Object conversions
When you install the i5/OS® operating system, plan time for certain object conversions from previous releases. The amount of time that is required could be significant depending on the number and size of the object types that you have on your system.
Object conversions that occur when you install a new release provide improved performance, reliability, and support. The number and type of conversions that occur can have a significant effect on your installation time and storage requirements. Before you install a new release, you might need to gather information about specific object types on your system.
More conversions occur if you are skipping a release. Consider both the conversions in the release that you are skipping and the new release.
Specific information on how conversions can affect either your installation time or normal operations following an upgrade are described in Times for conversions. You might see an impact in these areas:
- Integrated file system conversions
- Conversion of objects that contain SQL statements
- Database file conversions
- IBM Backup Recovery and Media Services for i5/OS conversions
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Concepts for software installation