Times for conversions
The number and type of conversions that occur when you upgrade to a new i5/OS® release can have a significant effect either during the upgrade or during normal operations after you upgrade. More conversions occur if you are skipping a release level. You need to consider the time for conversions in both the release you are skipping and in the new release.
To estimate the additional time that conversions might require, you can gather information about specific object types on your system. To review conversion information from a skipped release, see the software upgrade information in the i5/OS Information Center
for that release.
- Integrated file system conversions
(This information applies only if you are upgrading from the V5R2 operating system. The conversion does not affect the length of time for an upgrade.) As of V5R1, the "root" (/), QOpenSys, and user-defined file systems (UDFS) in the integrated file system support the *TYPE2 directory format.
- Conversion of objects that contain SQL statements
In i5/OS V5R4, the internal representation of SQL statements has been changed to support statements up to 2 097 152 bytes in length.
- Database file conversions
In i5/OS V5R4, database files that were created on a release earlier than V5R4 are converted to eliminate a performance degradation that might occur due to Enhanced Hardware Storage Protection support.
- IBM Backup Recovery and Media Services for i5/OS conversions
If you have this licensed program installed, review the following information on product initialization.
Parent topic:
Checklist: Estimating i5/OS installation time