Using authorized program analysis reports


An authorized program analysis report (APAR) is an IBM-supplied program that allows you to create a diskette file or a tape file. The file contains information from your system to help software service representatives to correct programming problems.

The APAR procedure creates one or more diskette files or tape files that contain information about the following areas:

The APAR procedure can copy a specified load member to a file named APARLOAD, a specified source member to a file named APARSRCE, or a specified procedure member to a file named APARPROC, which can be saved to diskette or tape. When the APAR procedure begins running, you can select the spooled file, job queue, message file, and user file index that the system copies. Most of the data areas that are copied can be displayed using the DUMP procedure.


Using APARs to collect diagnostic information

After you have performed a system dump, run the authorized program analysis report (APAR) procedure during an IPL. The procedure requires an attended IPL.

To perform the APAR procedure, enter the following command:

APAR volid,[object],[source],[proc],[dumpfile],[S1],[AUTO/NOAUTO],[I1/TC/T1/T2]


Parent topic:

Analyzing and handling problems

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Problem-handling menus Using authorized program analysis reports