Using the WRKRDBDIRE command


The Work with RDB Directory Entries display provides you with options to add, change, display, or remove a relational database directory entry.

Work with RDB Directory Entries  
Position to  . . . . . .
Type options, press Enter.
1=Add   2=Change   4=Remove   5=Display details   6=Print details  
        Relational          Remote Option  Database                     Location  Text 
__      KC000               KC000          Kansas City region database 
__      MP000               *LOCAL         Minneapolis region database 
__      MP101               MP101          Dealer database MP101
__      MP102               MP102          Dealer database MP102
__      MP211               MP211          Dealer database MP211
__      MP215               MP215          Dealer database MP215
4_      MP311               MP311          Dealer database MP311

As shown on the display, option 4 can be used to remove an entry from the relational database directory on the local system. If you remove an entry, you receive another display that allows you to confirm the remove request for the specified entry or select a different relational database directory entry. If you use the Remove Relational Database Directory Entry (RMVRDBDIRE) command, you have the option of specifying a specific relational database name, generic names, all directory entries, or just the remote entries.

You have the option on the Work with Relational Database Directory Entries display to display the details of an entry. Output from the Work with Relational Database Entries display is sent to a display. However, if you use the Display Relational Database Directory Entry (DSPRDBDIRE) command, you can send the output to a printer or an output file. The relational database directory is not an i5/OS object, so using an output file provides a means of backup for the relational database directory.

See also: Saving and restoring relational database directories.

You have the option on the Work with RDB Directory Entries display to change an entry in the relational database directory. You can also use the Change Relational Database Directory Entry (CHGRDBDIRE) command to make changes to an entry in the directory. You can change any of the optional command parameters and the remote location name of the system. You cannot change a relational database name for a directory entry. To change the name of a relational database in the directory, remove the entry for the relational database and add an entry for the new database name.

If the remote location was changed in the relational database directory entry, then the remote journal has to be removed using the Remove Remote Journal (RMVRMTJRN) command or the QjoRemoveRemoteJournal API and readded using the Add Remote Journal (ADDRMTJRN) command or the QjoAddRemoteJournal API. If the remote location type, or authentication, or something else was changed, then remote journaling just needs to be ended using the Change Remote Journal (CHGRMTJRN) command or the QjoChangeJournalState API and restarted by also using the Change Remote Journal (CHGRMTJRN) command or the QjoChangeJournalState API. To get your change used for distributed files, delete and re-create your node group, and then re-create the file.


Parent topic:

Working with the relational database directory


Related tasks

Saving and restoring relational database directories


Related reference

Add Remote Journal (ADDRMTJRN) command
Change Relational Database Directory Entry (CHGRDBDIRE) command
Change Remote Journal (CHGRMTJRN) command
Display Relational Database Directory Entry (DSPRDBDIRE) command
Remove Remote Journal (RMVRMTJRN) command
Remove Relational Database Directory Entry (RMVRDBDIRE) command