Change RDB Directory Entry (CHGRDBDIRE)

Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Change Relational Database Directory Entry (CHGRDBDIRE) command allows you to change an entry in the relational database (RDB) directory. Values for any of the RDB's parameters, except its name, can be changed.

Changes to an entry do not affect any connections that are using the RDB directory when the change is made. Changes take effect the next time a CONNECT operation is performed.

Restriction: You must have execute authority to the application requester driver program to specify the program on this command.




Keyword Description Choices Notes
RDB Entry Element list Required, Key, Positional 1
Element 1: Relational database Character value
Element 2: Relational database alias Character value, *NONE
RMTLOCNAME Remote location Single values: *ARDPGM, *LOOPBACK
Other values: Element list
Optional, Positional 2
Element 1: Name or address Character value, *LOCAL, *SAME
Element 2: Type *SNA, *IP, *SAME
TEXT Text Character value, *BLANK, *SAME Optional
PORT Port number or service program Character value, *DRDA, *SAME Optional
RMTAUTMTH Remote authentication method Element list Optional
Element 1: Preferred method *USRID, *USRIDPWD, *ENCRYPTED, *KERBEROS, *SAME
Element 2: Allow lower authentication *ALWLOWER, *NOALWLOWER, *SAME
DEV Device Element list Optional
Element 1: APPC device description Name, *LOC, *SAME
LCLLOCNAME Local location Communications name, *LOC, *NETATR, *SAME Optional
RMTNETID Remote network identifier Communications name, *LOC, *NETATR, *NONE, *SAME Optional
MODE Mode Communications name, *NETATR, *SAME Optional
TNSPGM Transaction program Character value, *DRDA, *SAME Optional
ARDPGM Application requester driver Single values: *DRDA, *SAME
Other values: Element list
Element 1: Program Qualified object name
Qualifier 1: Program Name
Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB



Entry (RDB)

Specifies the relational database name information.

Valid relational database names and aliases must begin with a letter and consist of uppercase A-Z, 0-9, and underscore.

Element 1: Relational database

Specifies the relational database name as identified on the remote location. You can specify a maximum of 18 characters for the name. MVS relational databases allow a maximum of 16 characters.

Element 2: Relational database alias

Specifies the relational database alias. The alias is used for locally identifing the relational database specified above. You can specify a maximum of 18 characters for the alias.



Remote location (RMTLOCNAME)

Specifies the remote location name of the system on which the RDB is located.

The possible values are:


The remote location name does not change.


This entry is the system database (system ASP and any basic ASPs) on this system. You can specify *LOCAL for only one entry in the RDB directory.

If *LOCAL is specified, the DEV, LCLLOCNAME, RMTNETID, MODE, TNSPGM and ARDPGM parameters are ignored, and the value of the second element is forced to *IP.


This value is an alias for the IP address of the host system. It can be used for a user database (ASP group) on the local system.

If *LOOPBACK is specified, the DEV, LCLLOCNAME, RMTNETID, MODE, TNSPGM and ARDPGM parameters are ignored, and the value of the second element is forced to *IP.


The RDB is accessed by using the application requester driver program specified on the ARDPGM parameter. A remote location name is not used to locate the RDB.

If *ARDPGM is specified, the PORT, DEV, LCLLOCNAME, RMTNETID, MODE, and TNSPGM parameters need not be specified, and if they are specified, they are ignored.


The first element of this parameter can take several forms:

  • SNA remote location name (LU name). Specify a maximum of 8 characters for the remote location name. If this form is used, the second element of this parameter must be *SNA.

  • SNA remote network identifier and remote location name separated by a period. Specify a maximum of 8 characters for the remote location name, and a maximum of 8 characters for the remote network identifier. If this form of the parameter is used, the second element of this parameter must be *SNA, and any value specified for the RMTNETID parameter must agree.

  • IP address in dotted decimal form. Specify an internet protocol address in the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn where each nnn is a number in the range 0 through 255. If this form is used, the second element of this parameter must be specified as *IP.

  • IP host domain name. Specify an internet host domain name of up to 254 characters in length. If this form is used, the second element of this parameter must be specified as *IP.

If *IP is specified for the second element, the DRDA application server at the remote location must support the use of TCP/IP, and the DEV, LCLLOCNAME, RMTNETID, MODE, and TNSPGM parameters will be ignored.

If *IP is not specified, the application server must support SNA connectivity. More information about SNA remote location names can be found in the APPC Programming book, SC41-5443 and the APPN Support information in the iSeries Information Center at



Text (TEXT)

Specifies the text that briefly describes the object.

The possible values are:


The text does not change.


The text is changed to blanks.


Specify no more than 50 characters of text enclosed in apostrophes.



Port number or service program (PORT)

Specifies the TCP/IP port that is used at the remote location to communicate with the system on which the RDB is located. This parameter will be ignored if *IP is not specified in the RMTLOCNAME parameter.

The possible values are:


The value does not change.


The DRDA well-known port of 446 will be used.


Specify a number ranging from 1 through 65535.


Specify a maximum of 14 characters for the service name. This name must be registered in the service database file.



Remote authentication method (RMTAUTMTH)

Specifies the preferred remote authentication method on a DDM/DRDA TCP/IP connection request. The actual method used depends on the outcome of the negotiation process between client and server, which depends on the cryptographic support available and the server security configuration. The CHGDDMTCPA (Change DDM TCP/IP Attributes) command can be used to configure DDM/DRDA TCP/IP security on iSeries servers. This parameter will be ignored if *IP is not specified in the Remote location (RMTLOCNAME parameter).

Element 1: Preferred method

Specifies the initial authentication method proposed to the server. Based on the authentication methods supported by the server and the value specified for the Allow lower authentication element of this parameter, an authentication method is negotiated that is acceptable to both the Application Requester and Application Server systems.

Possible values are:


This value does not change.


User ID only is sent on a DDM connection request. This is the lowest authentication method.


User ID and associated password is sent on a DDM connection request. Passwords are not encrypted if this authentication method is used.


User ID and associated encrypted password is sent on a DDM connection request. Cryptographic support must be available on both systems for this authentication method to be used.


Authentication occurs using Kerberos. The RDB name must map to a target principal name in the Enterprise Identity Mapping (EIM) environment. Kerberos needs to be configured on both systems for this authentication method to be used.

Element 2: Allow lower authentication

Specifies whether an authentication method lower than what was specified for the Preferred method element of this parameter will be accepted during negotiation with the Application Server system. If the Application Server system is configured to require a higher authentication method than the value specified for the Preferred method element of this parameter and the Application Requester system can support a higher authentication method, the negotiated authentication method can always be higher than the Preferred method. From highest to lowest, the authentication methods are:

Possible values are:


This value does not change.


Allow negotiation of a lower authentication method than what was specified for the Preferred method element of this parameter.


Do not allow negotiation of a lower authentication method than what was specified for the Preferred method element of this parameter.



Device (DEV)

Specifies the name of the advanced program-to-program communications (APPC) device description on this system that is used with this RDB entry.

More information is in the APPC Programming book, SC41-5443, and the APPN Support information in the iSeries Information Center at

The possible values are:


The name of the device description does not change.


If APPC is being used, the system determines which device description is used. If advanced peer-to-peer networking (APPN) is being used, the system ignores this parameter.


Specify a maximum of 10 characters for the name of a device description.



Local location (LCLLOCNAME)

Specifies the local location name by which this system is identified to the system on which the RDB is located. The local location name cannot be the same as the remote location name.

More information on local location names is in the APPC Programming book, SC41-5443.

The possible values are:


The local location name does not change.


If advanced program-to-program communications (APPC) is being used, the system determines which local location name is used. If advanced peer-to-peer networking (APPN) is being used, the system uses the default local location name defined in the network attributes.


The LCLLOCNAME value specified in the system network attributes is used.


Specify a maximum of 8 characters for the local location name.



Remote network identifier (RMTNETID)

Specifies the remote network identifier of the system on which the RDB is located. If this parameter is specified, the RMTLOCNAME parameter must be consistent with this RMTNETID parameter. If the RMTLOCNAME parameter specified a network ID, this parameter must agree (otherwise, an error message will be issued). If the RMTLOCNAME parameter does not specify any network ID, there is no possibility of conflict with this parameter.

More information on remote network identifiers is in the APPC Programming book, SC41-5443.

The possible values are:


The value does not change.


If advanced program-to-program communications (APPC) is being used, the system determines which remote network identifier is used. If advanced peer-to-peer networking (APPN) is used, the system uses the local network identifier defined in this system's network attributes for the remote network identifier.


The LCLNETID value specified in the system network attributes is used.


No remote network identifier (ID) is used.


Specify a maximum of 8 characters for the remote network identifier.

More information on remote network identifiers is in the APPC Programming book, SC41-5443.



Mode (MODE)

Specifies the mode name to use with the remote location name to communicate with the system on which the RDB is located.

The possible values are:


The mode name does not change.


The mode in the network attributes is used.


A mode name of all blanks is used.


Specify a maximum of 8 characters for the mode name.

More information on mode names is in the APPC Programming book, SC41-5443.



Transaction program (TNSPGM)

Specifies the name of the transaction program to use with the RDB entry.

The possible values are:


The transaction program name does not change.


The distributed relational database architecture (DRDA) transaction program name, X'07F6C4C2', is used. DRDA is a means by which RDBs communicate with each other over a network.


Specify the transaction program name in one of the following formats:

  • A 4-byte hexadecimal name, which is entered by enclosing the 8 hexadecimal digits in apostrophes with a prefix of X. For example, X'07F6C4C2' is a 4-byte hexadecimal name.

  • An 8-byte character name.

If you are typing a hexadecimal value on a command prompt and the prompt is too small for the number of characters you want to type, type an ampersand (&) to expand the prompt to hold the necessary characters.



Application requester driver (ARDPGM)

Specifies the qualified name of the application requester driver that is the program to be called to process SQL requests directed to the RDB. The program must exist and must be of the object type *PGM.

The possible values are:


The Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA) application requester is used.

The name of the program name can be qualified by one of the following library values:


All libraries in the library list for the current thread are searched until the first match is found.


Specify a value ranging from 0 through 255. Specify a value ranging from 0 through 255.


Specify the name of the library where the program name is created.


Specify the name of the application requester driver program to be called to process the SQL requests.




Example 1: Changing an Entry for *SNA type


This command changes a directory entry to use Newark as the new remote location name to access YOURRDB.

Example 2: Changing an Entry for *IP type


This command changes a directory entry to use an internet protocol domain name to access MYRDB. The second element of RMTLOCNAME indicates that TCP/IP is to be used for connections.



Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages


Change relational database directory entry failed.
