CRTDDMF (Create DDM File) command


The Create DDM File (CRTDDMF) command creates a DDM file on the local (source) server.

The DDM file is used as a reference file by programs on an iSeries™ server to access files located on any remote (target) server in the iSeries DDM network. Programs on the local iSeries server know a remote file only by the DDM file's name, not the remote file's actual name. (The DDM file name, however, can be the same as the remote file name.)

The DDM file is also used when a CL command is submitted to the remote server. (The Submit Remote Command (SBMRMTCMD) command is used to submit the CL command, and the remote server must be an iSeries server or a System/38™.) When the SBMRMTCMD command is being used, the remote file normally associated with the DDM file is ignored.

The DDM file contains the name of the remote file being accessed and the remote location information that identifies a remote (target) server where the remote file is located. It can also specify other attributes that are used to access records in the remote file.

To use this command, you can enter the command as shown in the following examples or select F6 (Create DDM file) from the Work with DDM Files display.


Parent topic:

DDM-specific CL commands


Related concepts



Related reference

WRKDDMF (Work with DDM Files) command
Create DDM File (CRTDDMF) command