DDM-specific CL commands
This topic covers DDM-specific CL commands.
- CHGDDMF (Change DDM File) command
The Change DDM File (CHGDDMF) command changes one or more of the attributes of a DDM file on the local (source) server.
- CRTDDMF (Create DDM File) command
The Create DDM File (CRTDDMF) command creates a DDM file on the local (source) server.
- DSPDDMF (Display DDM Files) command
The Display DDM Files (DSPDDMF) command displays the details of a DDM file.
- RCLDDMCNV (Reclaim DDM Conversations) command
The Reclaim DDM Conversations (RCLDDMCNV) command is used to reclaim all DDM source server conversations that are not currently being used by a source job.
- SBMRMTCMD (Submit Remote Command) command
The Submit Remote Command (SBMRMTCMD) command submits a command using DDM to run on the target server.
- WRKDDMF (Work with DDM Files) command
The Work with DDM Files (WRKDDMF) command allows you to work with existing DDM files from a list display. From the list display, you can change, delete, display, or create DDM files.
Parent topic:
Use CL and DDS with DDM