

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Add a portlet to a page

The Portlet Palette provides you with a quick and easy way to deploy portlets to the page. You can drag a single portlet or multiple portlets within the same category to the page. Categories provide you with a way to organize portlets in the Portlet Palette. IBM recommends that you only add portlets to the page using the drag-and-drop feature from the Portlet Palette. Accessible alternatives for adding portlets to the page are provided in this topic.


Add a portlet to a page from the Portlet Palette

Perform the following steps:

  1. Click Open Portlet Palette to open the Portlet Palette.

  2. Click on a portlet from your Portlet Palette and continue to hold the mouse key down.

    To select multiple portlets in a category, hold the Ctrl key down while clicking on the appropriate portlets.

  3. Drag the portlet to a destination on the page. A horizontal bar appears as you drag the portlet over areas on the page available for deployment. When you drag the portlet within close proximity of a permissible drop zone, the color of the horizontal bar changes from a muted to a more saturated tone.

  4. Drop the portlet to the page as appropriate by releasing the mouse key to add the portlet where you view a horizontal bar.

  5. Click Close Portlet Palette to close the Portlet Palette.

General tips for working with the Portlet Palette are as follows:


Accessible alternative for adding a portlet to a page

A mouse is required to use the drag-and-drop feature of the portal. Alternatively, you can use your keyboard to add portlets to a page as an accessible alternative to dragging portlets from the Portlet Palette to the page. Perform the following steps as an alternative to using the drag-and drop feature for adding a portlet to a page:

  1. Navigate to the page that you wish to add the portlet.

  2. Select the Tab key until you access the drop-down menu beside the page title.

  3. Select the Tab key until you highlight Edit Page Layout.

  4. From Edit Layout located on the Content page, select the Tab key until you highlight Add Portlets in the appropriate container where you want the portlet to be added.

  5. Use the features that are provided to select the portlets that you want to add. You must select the check box for each portlet that you want to add.

  6. Select the Tab key until you highlight OK to add the portlet to the container.

  7. Select the Enter key. The page is displayed with the portlet that you just added.


Related information


Parent topic:

Adding portlets to a page with the Portlet Palette