

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Access rights



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A role combines a set of permissions with a specific resource. This set of permissions is called a role type. Roles are denoted as...


The table that follows lists minimum role assignments that are necessary to perform a sensitive operation.

Minimum role assignment refers to the fact that some role types imply other role types as described in the Roles section. An example is the sensitive operation Install Web Module which requires a role of type Editor on the virtual resource Web Modules.

Because the role of type Manager implies the Editor role type, assigning a Manager role at the Web Modules virtual resource also allows for installing Web modules.

Role assignments that manage application templates and composite applications for business users are defined in Access to applications and components.

While the roles can have any name, the role names listed here help indicate whether the task is editing the configuration of a certain application, or managing the membership of a certain application.

The name of an application role does not indicate its application role type. To determine which application role type is associated with a specific application role, please refer to the roles portlet and check out the specific application role's additional management permissions.

When access rights are granted to any listed resource, it inherently requires access to the resource Access Control Administration.

Changing the owner of a resource can be done by using the Access Control Administration. Refer to the Access Control Administration, Modify the owner of a resource section of the table.

The resources listed could be different depending on other products that might be installed with the product. Some roles are required on virtual resources; other roles must be on resource instances.

Users might also have access rights for some operations through ownership of resources. For information about access rights of owners, refer to Roles.

Definition of terms:


Only accessible by the owner of the resource


Accessible people granted access to the resource


Accessible without authentication

Resource Sensitive Operation and Description Required role assignment
Access Control Administration Viewing the access control configuration of a resource R If R is under internal PORTAL protection...

Security Administrator@R or Security Administrator@PORTAL

PORTAL is a virtual resource

If R is under external protection...

Security Administrator@R or Security Administrator@PORTAL + Security Administrator@EXTERNAL_ACCESS_CONTROL

Portal and EXTERNAL_ACCESS_CONTROL are virtual resources

The role...

Security Administrator@EXTERNAL_ACCESS_CONTROL

...is created and managed in the External Security Manager (ESM). It must be modified using the ESM management tools. For example, use the IBM® Tivoli® Access Manager for e-business pdadmin> command line or the Computer Associates eTrust SiteMinder administrative console.

Creating a new role of role type RT on resource R If R is under PORTAL protection...

Security Administrator@R + RT@R or Security Administrator@PORTAL

If R is under external protection: Security Administrator@R + RT@R or Security Administrator@PORTAL + Security Administrator@EXTERNAL_ACCESS_CONTROL

Portal and EXTERNAL_ACCESS_CONTROL are virtual resources

The Security Administrator@EXTERNAL_ACCESS_CONTROL role is created and managed in the External Security Manager (ESM). It must be modified using the ESM management tools. For example, use the Tivoli Access Manager pdadmin> command line or the eTrust SiteMinder administrative console.

Deleting a role created from role type RT on resource R. All corresponding role mappings are also deleted. If R is under internal PORTAL protection...

Security Administrator@R + RT@R + Delegator role on all assigned principals or Security Administrator@PORTAL

If R is under external protection...

Security Administrator@R + RT@R + Delegator role on all assigned principals or Security Administrator@PORTAL + Security Administrator@EXTERNAL_ACCESS_CONTROL

Portal and EXTERNAL_ACCESS_CONTROL are virtual resources

The Security Administrator@EXTERNAL_ACCESS_CONTROL role is created and managed in the External Security Manager (ESM). It must be modified using the ESM management tools. For example, use the Tivoli Access Manager pdadmin> command line or the eTrust SiteMinder administrative console.

Creating/deleting a role assignment for user or group U created from Role Type RT on resource R If R is under internal PORTAL protection...

Security Administrator@R + RT@R + Delegator@U or Security Administrator@PORTAL

If R is under external protection...

Security Administrator@R + RT@R + Delegator@U or Security Administrator@PORTAL + Security Administrator@EXTERNAL_ACCESS_CONTROL

Portal and EXTERNAL_ACCESS_CONTROL are virtual resources

The Security Administrator@EXTERNAL_ACCESS_CONTROL role is created and managed in the External Security Manager (ESM). It must be modified using the ESM management tools. For example, use the Tivoli Access Manager pdadmin> command line or the eTrust SiteMinder administrative console.

Creating/deleting a role block for all roles created from role type RT on resource R If R is under internal PORTAL protection...

Security Administrator@R + RT@R or Security Administrator@PORTAL

If R is under external protection...

Security Administrator@R + RT@R or Security Administrator@PORTAL + Security Administrator@EXTERNAL_ACCESS_CONTROL

A Security Administrator on this resource is always implicitly a Delegator on this resource. For all other role types, the Security Administrator@R plus the assignments listed above are required.

Portal and EXTERNAL_ACCESS_CONTROL are virtual resources

The Security Administrator@EXTERNAL_ACCESS_CONTROL role is created and managed in the External Security Manager (ESM). It must be modified using the ESM management tools. For example, use the Tivoli Access Manager pdadmin> command line or the eTrust SiteMinder administrative console.

Externalize/internalize resources:

Moving a resource R back and forth from internal to external control. All non-private child resources of R move with it. Private resources cannot be externalized.

Security Administrator@R + Security Administrator@EXTERNAL_ACCESS_CONTROL or Security Administrator@Portal + Security Administrator@EXTERNAL_ACCESS_CONTROL

Portal and EXTERNAL_ACCESS_CONTROL are virtual resources

The Security Administrator@EXTERNAL_ACCESS_CONTROL role is created and managed in the External Security Manager (ESM). It must be modified using the ESM management tools. For example, use the Tivoli Access Manager pdadmin> command line or the eTrust SiteMinder administrative console.

Modify the owner of a resource:

Setting a user or group U1 as new owner of the non-private resource R, where the old owner was U2

Delegator@U1, Delegator@U2, Manager@R, and Security_Administrator@R
Applications Creating an Application based on an existing Template T in Template Category TC


Creating/editing/deleting application roles of Application A Application manager
Adding/removing/reassigning members to application roles Application membership manager +


Saving Application A as a Template T in Template Category TC Application manager + Contributor@TC

Contributor@TC is the minimum required access right to save an Application as a Template in a Template Category, though it is not recommended. Editor@TC is recommended to save an Application as a Template in a Template Category and use the Portal administration utilities.

Editing layout of Application A Application manager
Changing owner of Application A Application owner +
Application manager +
Delegator@NewOwner +

  • Only the application owner or an administrator is allowed to set a new owner

  • The new owner must be a member of the application

Deleting an Application A

Application manager

Application Template Categories Creating a Template Category TC

Contributor@Template Application Document Library


  • Template Application Document Library is a single protected resource of the type Application Template Root

  • Contributor@Template Application Document Library is the minimum required access right to create a Template Category, though it is not recommended. Editor@Template Application Document Library is recommended to create and maintain Template Categories and use the Portal administration utilities.

Viewing a Template Category TC User@TC
Application Templates

Creating a Template from an existing Application:

Serializing an existing Application A and creating a new Template T under Template Category TC

Application manager +


Contributor@TC is the minimum required access right to create a Template from an existing Application, though it is not recommended. Editor@TC is recommended to create a Template from an existing Application and use the Portal administration utilities.

Deploying or importing a new Template T in Template Category TC

Contributor@TC +



  • Template_Deployment is a virtual resource

  • Contributor@TC is the minimum required access right to deploy or import a new Template in a Template Category, though it is not recommended. Editor@TC is recommended to deploy or import a new Template in a Template Category and use the Portal administration utilities.

Creating a new Template T in Template Category TC


Contributor@TC is the minimum required access right to create a new Template in a Template Category, though it is not recommended. Editor@TC is recommended to create a new Template in a Template Category and use the Portal administration utilities.

Exporting a Template T in Template Category TC

User@T +


Editing a Template T in Template Category TC

Editor@T +


Changing owner of Template A For U1 to change owner to U2, you need:



  • Only the template owner or an administrator is allowed to set a new owner

Deleting a Template T in Template Category TC

Manager@T +


Viewing a Template T in Template Category TC

User@T +


In most cases User@T will be inherited by the permission on the Template Category (TC) because the TC is the parent of the Template resource, but setting a propagation block for the TC could prevent a user from getting the permission User@T. In this case the access right for T would be an additional setting.

Business Rules (Personalization) Viewing a Business Rule

User@Business Rules Workspace

Set this permission on the Business Rules Workspace in the Personalization navigator by selecting the root node and then choosing Extra Action > Edit Access from the menu.

Creating a Business Rule Contributor@Business Rules Workspace

Contributor@Business Rules Workspace is the minimum required access right to create a Business Rule, though it is not recommended. Editor@Business Rules Workspace is recommended to create and maintain business rules and use the Portal administration facilities.

Deleting a Business Rule Manager@Business Rules Workspace
Assigning a Business rule to a page P For non-private pages: Editor@P and User@Business Rules Workspace

For private pages: Priviliged User@P and User@Business Rules Workspace

Assigning a Business rule to a portlet PO on page P For non-private pages: Editor@P, User@PO and User@Business Rules Workspace

For private pages: Privileged User@P, User@PO and User@Business Rules Workspace

Extra Actions When you use the Set Access button in Personalization to add a user or a group to a role on the root of the workspace, this automatically gives the same role to that user or group for all Document Manager and Web Content Management libraries, policies and templates. To prevent the propagation of the role into Document Manager, click Administration, then under Portal Content, click Document Libraries. In Document Libraries, click Set Access on Root. Click to deselect the Allow Inheritance check box next to the role that was added in Personalization, then click Apply. IBM recommends that you deselect Allow Inheritance for all roles.

The Administrator and Security Administrator role cannot be blocked. Those two roles will always be inherited.

Content Node (pages, labels, and URLs)

The table column detailing sensitive operations and descriptions for this resource refers to pages only, but those operations and descriptions, when applicable, also apply to labels and URLs.

Traverse a page:

Viewing the navigation of a page P

User@P or @ some child resource of P
Viewing the content of a page P, including page decoration and potentially the portlets on that page. The portlets on a page are protected separately. See the portlets on pages row of this table for more information.


Modifying page properties includes:

  • Adding/removing a markup

  • Adding/removing a locale

  • Adding/removing parameters

to/from a page P

Changing the theme of a page P Editor@P
Modifying the layout of a page P includes:

  • Adding/removing wires

  • manage actions

For non-private pages: Editor@P

For private pages: Privileged User@P

For managing receiving actions of a portlet on a target page: Editor@P and Editor@PO

Customizing the layout of a non-private page:

Creating a private, implicitly derived copy of a non-private page P

Privileged User@P

Adding a root page:

Creating and adding a new top level page P

For non-private pages: Editor@Pages

For private pages: Privileged User@Pages

(Pages is a virtual resource)

Adding a page:

Creating a new page under a given Page P

For non-private pages: Editor@P

For private pages: Privileged User@P

Creating a derived page:

Creating a new page underneath P1 that is explicitly derived from page P2

New page is private: Privileged User@P1 + Editor@P2

New page is non-private: Editor@P1 + Editor@P2

Deleting a page P and all descendant pages, including further subpages and the portlets on those pages Manager@P
Moving page P1 to a new parent page P2 For non-private pages: Manager@P1 + Editor@P2

For private pages: Manager@P1 + Privileged User@P2

Locking or unlocking the contents of a non-private page P Editor@P + User@portlet (Page Locks) + User@page (Locks)
Credential Vault Portlet Adding, viewing, or deleting a vault segment Management of the Credential Vault via the Credential Vault Portlet requires access to an instance of the Credential Vault Portlet
Adding, viewing, deleting, or editing a vault slot Management of the Credential Vault via the Credential Vault Portlet requires access to an instance of the Credential Vault Portlet
Document Libraries Creating a Document Library Editor@Content Root

Contributor@Content Root is the minimum required access right to create a Document Library, although it is not recommended. Editor@Content Root is recommended to create and maintain Document Libraries and use the Portal administration facilities.

Viewing the Document Library User@Document Library
Deleting the Document Library Manager@Document Library
Importing documents into the Document Library Editor@parent (Document Library/Folder)
Moving the Copy Document Library Editor@ Content Root
Editing the Document Library Editor@Document Library
Creating a New Document Editor@parent (Folder)
Viewing a Document User@Document
Deleting a Document Manager@Document
Importing a Document Editor@parent (Folder)
Moving a Document Manager@Document and Editor@target Folder
Editing a Document Editor@Document
Locking a Document Editor@Document
Unlocking a Document Editor@Document and User@UserVR
Creating a New Folder Editor@parent (Folder)
Viewing a Folder User@Folder
Deleting a Folder Manager@Folder
Moving a Folder Manager@Folder and Editor@target Folder
Editing a Folder Editor@Folder
Enable Tracing Portlet Adding or deleting a portal trace setting Adding or deleting portal trace setting via the Enable Tracing Portlet requires access to an instance of the Enable Tracing Portlet
Event Handlers

Managing event handlers:

Creating, modifying, and deleting event handlers

Security Administrator@Event Handlers

Event Handlers is a virtual resource

Manage Clients portlet

Managing clients:

Viewing the portlet; deleting, modifying, and adding clients in the Manage Clients portlet

User@Manage Clients
Manage Search Creating a new search index Editor@PSE_Sources

PSE_Sources is a virtual resource

Manage Virtual Portal Creating the New Virtual Portal Security Administrator@Portal

Portal is a virtual resource

Viewing the Virtual Portal Security Administrator@Portal

Portal is a virtual resource

Deleting the Virtual Portal Security Administrator@Portal

Portal is a virtual resource

Editing the Virtual Portal Security Administrator@Portal

Portal is a virtual resource


Managing Markups:

Creating, deleting, or modifying a Markup


Markups is a virtual resource

Policies Creating a new Policy under a given Policy Editor@Policy and User@Business Rules Workspace


  • Contributor@Policy is the minimum required access right to create a new Policy under a given Policy, though it is not recommended. Editor@Policy is recommended to create and maintain policies and use the Portal administration utilities.

  • If a rule has to be created or edited during the creation of a Policy, then Editor@Business Rules Workspace and Editor@Policy is also required.

  • Business Rules Workspace is the root node in the Personalization navigator for Business Rules resources. Set permissions on this node by selecting the workspace node and then choosing Extra Action > Edit Access from the menu.

Assigning a Business rule to a Policy User@Business Rules and Editor@Policy
Editing a Policy Editor@Policy and User@Business Rules

If a rule has to be created or edited during the creation of a Policy, then Editor@Business Rules is also required.

Viewing a Policy User@Policy + User@Business Rules
Importing a new Policy Editor@Policy_Root

Contributor@Policy_Root is the minimum required access right to import a new Policy, though it is not recommended. Editor@Policy_Root is recommended to import and maintain policies and use the Portal administration utilities.

Deleting a Policy Manager@Policy + User@Business Rules

When deleting a policy the associated rule is not deleted.

Portal Settings Viewing current portal settings User@Portal Settings

Portal Settings is a virtual resource

Modifying current portal settings Editor@Portal Settings

Portal Settings is a virtual resource

Portlet Applications Viewing the portlet application definition information for a portlet application PA User@PA
Modifying a portlet application includes:

  • Adding/removing a locale

  • Setting default locale

  • Modifying settings

to/from/of the portlet application PA


Duplicating a portlet application:

Creating a new portlet application based on an existing portlet application PA

Editor@Portlet Applications + User@PA

Portlet Applications is a virtual resource

Deleting a portlet application and removing all corresponding portlets and portlet entities from all pages within the portal Manager@PA

Enabling/disabling a portlet application:

Temporarily enabling or disabling the portlet application PA


Viewing an installed portlet:

Viewing the portlet definition information of a portlet PO

Modifying an installed portlet includes:

  • Adding/removing a locale

  • Setting default locale

  • Modifying settings

to/from/of the portlet PO

For adding/removing locales and setting default locale: Editor@PO

For modifying settings: Manager@PO

Duplicating an installed portlet:

Creating a new installed portlet based on an existing portlet PO that is part of a portlet application PA.

Editor@Portlet Applications + User@PO+ User@PA

Portlet Applications is a virtual resource

Deleting an installed portlet PO and removing all corresponding portlet entities from all pages within the portal Manager@PO

Enabling/disabling an installed portlet:

Temporarily enabling or disabling a portlet PO

Providing portlet PO as a WSRP service Editor@WSRP Export and Editor@PO

WSRP Export is a virtual resource

Withdrawing portlet PO from WSRP service Manager@WSRP Export and Editor@PO

WSRP Export is a virtual resource

Integrating the portlet of a WSRP Producer PR into the portal If no portlet application exists for the group of portlets: Editor@Portlet Applications and User@PR

Portlet Applications is a virtual resource

If a Portlet Applications PA already exists for the group of portlets:

Editor@PA and User@PR

Deleting an integrated WSRP portlet PO contained in the portlet application PA from the portal If this is the last portlet in Portlet Applications: Manager@PA

If more than one portlet resides in Portlet Applications: Manager@PO

Portlets on pages Viewing a portlet PO on page P User@P + User@PO

Configuring an installed portlet:

Entering the configure mode of a portlet PO and modifying its configuration


Modifying a portlet on a page:

Entering the edit mode of a portlet PO on page P and modifying its configuration

If P is a non-private page and the user has no Editor role for this page, then modifying the configuration of the portlet results in the creation of an implicitly derived copy of page P.

Editor@P + Editor@PO


Privileged User@P + Privileged User@PO

Modifying page content:

Adding/removing a portlet PO to/from a page P

If P is a non-private page and the user has no Editor role for this page, then modifying the content of P results in the creation of an implicitly derived copy of page P.

For non-private pages: Editor@P + User@PO


For private pages: Privileged User@P + User@PO

Restricting the content of a page:

Adding/removing a portlet from the Allowed Portlet List of a page

Editor@P + User@PO
Property Broker Operating with ActionSets/PropertySets for a portlet PO User@PO
Creating/Updating/Deleting a wire from a portlet PO1 on Page P1 to a portlet PO2 on Page P2 Global wire: Editor@P1, User@PO1, Editor@P2, User@PO2 Personal wire: Privileged User@P1, User@PO1, Privileged User@P2, User@PO2

In order to update or delete a personal wire, the user must have the above role assignments and created the wire they are updating or deleting.

Executing a wire from a portlet PO1 on Page P1 to a portlet PO2 on Page P2 Global wire: User@P1, User@PO1, User@P2, User@PO2

Personal wire: Privileged User@P1, User@PO1, Privileged User@P2, User@PO2

In order to execute a personal wire, the user must have the above role assignments and created the wire they are executing

Viewing a wire from a portlet PO1 on Page P1 to a portlet PO2 on Page P2 Global wire: User@P1, User@PO1, User@P2, User@PO2

Personal wire: Privileged User@P1, User@PO1, Privileged User@P2, User@PO2

In order to view a personal wire, the user must have the above role assignments and created the wire they are viewing

PSE Sources

Creating a PSE Source:

Creating a search collection

Editor@PSE Sources

PSE Sources is a virtual resource

Viewing a PSE Source:

Viewing a search collection SC


Facilitating a PSE Source:

Using a search collection SC


Editing a PSE Source:

Editing a search collection SC


Deleting a PSE Source:

Deleting a search collection SC

Themes and Skins portlet

Managing themes and skins:

Viewing the portlet; deleting, modifying, and adding themes and skins in the Themes and Skins portlet

User@Themes and Skins
Unique Names portlet

Managing unique names:

Viewing the portlet; deleting, modifying, and adding unique names in the Unique Names portlet

Editor@R + User@Unique Names
URL Mapping Contexts Creating a new URL mapping context UMC Editor@URL Mapping Contexts

URL Mapping Contexts is a virtual resource

Traversing a URL mapping context:

The ability to traverse a URL mapping context due to a role assignment to some child context of UMC

User@UMC or @ some child context of UMC
Viewing the definition of a URL mapping context UMC User@UMC

Assigning a URL:

Creating or editing a mapping between a URL mapping context UMC and a portal resource R

Editor@UMC + User@R

Modifying a URL mapping context:

Changing the properties of an existing URL mapping context UMC; for example editing the label

Editor@UMCIf Virtual Portal Mapping:

Editor@VP URL Mappings

VP URL Mappings is a virtual resource

Deleting a URL mapping context UMC and all of its child contexts Manager@UMC
User Groups Creating a new User group within the user registry Editor@User Groups

User Groups is a virtual resource

Viewing the User group profile information of a user group UG User@UG
Modifying the profile information of a User group UG Editor@UG
Adding/removing an existing User U or a User group UG2 to or from an existing User group UG1 Security Administrator@Users + Editor@UG1

Users is a virtual resource

Deleting a user group UG Manager@UG

The owner of the user group can also delete it.

Users Creating a new user in the user registry Editor@User Self Enrollment

User Self Enrollment is a virtual resource

Viewing the user profile information of a user U User@UG and U is a member of user group UG or User@Users

Users is a virtual resource

Modifying the profile information of a user U Editor@UG and U is a member of user group UG or Editor@Users

Users is a virtual resource

Deleting a user from the user registry and deleting all private pages created by this user Manager@Users

Users is a virtual resource

Web Clipping Creating new clippings Editor@Portlet Applications

Portlet Applications is a virtual resource

Web modules Installing a new portlet application WAR file Editor@Web Modules

Web Modules is a virtual resource

Updating a Web module WM by installing a corresponding WAR file Editor@Web Modules + Manager@WM
Uninstalling a Web module and removing all corresponding portlet applications and portlets from all pages within the portal Manager@WM + Manager @ all portlet applications contained in WM
WSRP Producers (on the Consumer side) Adding a remote WSRP Producer PR to the Portal Editor@WSRP Producers

WSRP Producers is a virtual resource

Editing the settings of a remote Producer PR Editor@PR
Viewing the settings or display the list of portlets that are provided by a remote WSRP Producer PR User@PR
Delete a remote WSRP Producer from the portal Manager@PR
XML Access Running commands using the XML configuration interface Security Administrator@Portal + Editor@XML Access

Portal and XML Access are virtual resources


Role Mappings and WSRP services

On the WSRP producer side, the enforcement of the access control decision for provided portlets can be enabled or suppressed by setting the configuration property wsrp.security.enabled, in Configuration Service. If this property value is set to true, as described in Setting configuration properties, then all access control decisions in the producing portal are based on the authenticated principal. If wsrp.security.enabled is set to false, then the producing portal does not enforce any access control on incoming client portal WSRP requests.

When using identity propagation, the user authenticated on the client portal needs to have the required role assignments. If no identity propagation is configured, but SSL client certificate authentication is enabled, then the ID of the certificate needs to have the required role assignments. If none of the previously mentioned authentication methods is used, then the request is treated as if coming from the Anonymous Portal Users. In the latter case, the required roles need to be assigned to the Anonymous Portal User, which implies allowing unauthenticated access to the corresponding resources for all users who can access the producer portal.


Related information


Parent topic:

Access Control