Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows
Preparing to run the migration tasks
Before running the migration tasks to migrate IBM® WebSphere® Portal Express, complete the manual steps described here.
Perform the following steps before running the migration tasks:
- Confirm successful installation of WebSphere Portal Express
- Update anonymous user roles
- Accessing WebSphere Portal Express to perform migration
- Change the timeout for your HTTP server
- Run the migrate property collector task
- Make portlet applications available to migration tasks for deployment.
- Create the virtual portal from your previous version in the current version
- Required performance tuning for exporting large groups and resources
- Confirm successful installation of the current version of WebSphere Portal Express
Ensure that the current version of WebSphere Portal Express is installed and properly configured. See Installing and Installing coexisting WebSphere Portal Express profiles on the same machine for instructions.
- Update anonymous user roles Check your previous environment for any anonymous users with the following roles:
- Privileged User
- Editor
- Manager
- Delegator
- Security Administrator
- Administrator
Change all of these roles to User.
- Accessing WebSphere Portal Express to perform migration To perform the migration, provide the user ID and password of a user that has administrative authority for WebSphere Portal Express:
- For the export task, enter an administrative user ID for the previous version
- For the import task, enter an administrative user ID for the current version
- Change the timeout for your HTTP server
Because migration can be a lengthy process, we suggest that you change the timeout length of your HTTP server to unlimited timeout while performing the migration task. Refer to your HTTP server documentation for information on how to change the timeout value.
- Run the migrate property collector task to collect required files from the previous version to allow the migration scripts to access the previous version:
You will need to stop the previous version of your Portal server if any of the following statements are true for your environment:
- If there is a port conflict or resource conflict when you start the current portal server
- If you modified the number of groups
- Copy the propcollector.xml and propcollector.jar files from the portal_server_root/migration directory of the current version to the wp_old_root/config/includes directory of the previous version and run the following command from the wp_old_root/config directory of the previous version:
If using i5/OS, the directory path is portal_server_root_user for the current version and wp_user_old_root for the previous version.
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh prop-collector -DDbPassword=wpsdb_password
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat prop-collector -DDbPassword=wpsdb_password
- i5/OS:
Choose one of the following commands based on the version of WebSphere Application Server that you are using:
- WebSphere Application Server 5.x: WPSconfig.sh -instance instance_name prop-collector -DDbPassword=wpsdb_password
where instance_name is the name of the WebSphere Application Server profile where WebSphere Portal Express is installed.
- WebSphere Application Server 6.x: WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root prop-collector -DDbPassword=wpsdb_password
where profile_root is the name of the WebSphere Application Server profile where WebSphere Portal Express is installed; for example, wp_profile.
The following information applies to running the above command:
- -DDbPassword=wpsdb_password is not required if the value is already defined in the wpconfig.properties file.
- Ensure that the values for DbUrl and DbName are defined in the wpconfig.properties file.
- Ensure that the value for WpsHostName in the wpconfig.properties file is the fully-qualified host name of the Web server that WebSphere Application Server is configured to use and is NOT "localhost".
- Copy the wp_old_root/config/includes/propcollectorOutput.zip file from the previous version to the portal_server_root/migration directory on the current version.
- Run the following command from the portal_server_root/migration directory of the current version to extract the propcollectorOutput.zip file:
- Linux:
./WPmigrate.sh collector-extract
- Windows:
WPmigrate.bat collector-extract
- i5/OS:
WPmigrate.sh collector-extract
- Make portlet applications available to migration tasks for deployment
The portal_server_root/installedApps directory contains a list of all portlet applications that are deployed on your previous system. Depending on the features that are used by these portlets, they might have to first be upgraded to work with the current version. Refer to the instructions that are provided in the Migrating your customized resources section to determine if you need to upgrade your portlets.
Some of the WAR files in the portal_server_root/installedApps directory might have been shipped with the current version. In that case, there is no need to manually upgrade corresponding portlets. You can safely use the corresponding WAR file from the portal_server_root/installableApps directory as an upgraded version of the portlet.
Before running migration tasks, all the upgraded portlets must be made available in the portal_server_root/installableApps directory of your current system. This directory has the sample portlets that ship with the current version of the product; do not overwrite these with the sample versions that shipped with earlier versions of the product.
- Create the virtual portal from your previous version in the current version: In order to migrate the data from your previous virtual portal into the current version, recreate the virtual portal in the current version. Use the Virtual Portal Manager to create the virtual portal in the current version.
- Required performance tuning for exporting and importing large groups and resources
- Check your LDAP server to determine the number of groups and perform the appropriate steps if the number is greater than 200:
- Perform the following steps on the previous version of WebSphere Portal Express if migrating from version 5.0.2.x:
- Change to the wp_old_root/shared/app/wmm directory of the 5.0.2.x system.
- Open the wmm.xml file and the maximumSearchResults attribute. You must change the numerical value of maximumSearchResults to a number greater than the actual number of groups on the LDAP server; for example if the LDAP server has 300 groups, then enter 301.
- Save your changes.
- Perform the following steps on the current version of WebSphere Portal Express after completing any security-related tasks, such as, but not limited to, running the enable-security-ldap task:
- Change to the portal_server_root/wmm directory of the current version.
If using i5/OS, the directory path is portal_server_root_user.
- Open the wmm.xml file and the maximumSearchResults attribute. You must change the numerical value of maximumSearchResults to a number greater than the actual number of groups on the LDAP server; for example if the LDAP server has 300 groups, then enter 301.
- Save your changes.
- Change the LDAP server search parameters based on your server's documentation to an unlimited value or a value large enough to handle the exporting and importing of large groups and resources; for example:
- Search size limit: Unlimited
- Search time limit: Unlimited
- Idle time out for paged searches: 172800
This value should be 48 hours or more; no unlimited option is documented (value is in seconds).
- Use the following steps to stop and restart the servers:
- Open a command prompt and change to the following directory:
- Linux:
- Windows:
- i5/OS:
- Enter the following command:
- Linux:
./stopServer.sh server1 -user admin_userid -password admin_password
- Windows:
stopServer.bat server1 -user admin_userid -password admin_password
- i5/OS:
stopServer.sh server1 -profileName profile_root -user admin_userid -password admin_password
where profile_root is the name of the WebSphere Application Server profile where WebSphere Portal Express is installed; for example, wp_profile.
server1 is the name of your WebSphere Application Server administrative server.
- Enter the following command:
- Linux:
./stopServer.sh WebSphere_Portal -user admin_userid -password admin_password
- Windows:
stopServer.bat WebSphere_Portal -user admin_userid -password admin_password
- i5/OS:
stopServer.sh WebSphere_Portal -profileName profile_root -user admin_userid -password admin_password
where profile_root is the name of the WebSphere Application Server profile where WebSphere Portal Express is installed; for example, wp_profile.
- Enter the following command:
- Linux:
./startServer.sh server1
- Windows:
startServer.bat server1
- i5/OS:
startServer.sh server1 -profileName profile_root
where profile_root is the name of the WebSphere Application Server profile where WebSphere Portal Express is installed; for example, wp_profile.
server1 is the name of your WebSphere Application Server administrative server.
- Enter the following command:
- Linux:
./startServer.sh WebSphere_Portal
- Windows:
startServer.bat WebSphere_Portal
- i5/OS:
startServer.sh WebSphere_Portal -profileName profile_root
where profile_root is the name of the WebSphere Application Server profile where WebSphere Portal Express is installed; for example, wp_profile.
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Migrating your customized resources
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Migrating WebSphere Portal Configurations