

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


LDAP user registry

Choose the appropriate LDAP to install, set up, and configure. Then configure any additional LDAP settings before verifying your LDAP server is working.

You should have WebSphere Portal Express installed and completed your database transfer.


Scenario for configuring WebSphere Portal Express with an LDAP user registry:

After installation, security is enabled. To change the security configuration, first disable security. Then go to the appropriate security configuration file to re-enable security. After configuring WebSphere Portal Express to use an LDAP user registry, you can enhance your security by Managing access, users, and groups. Authorization is sometimes referred to as access control. Authorization determines what interactions a user is permitted to have with a resource or a service. Administrators configure access to portal resources or portal services by assigning roles to users and groups.


Parent topic:

Configuring security