

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Install the Personalization Server

This section describes the steps required to install and configure the Portal Personalization Server on a machine without IBM® WebSphere® Portal Express. The Personalization Server is installed by default with WebSphere Portal Express, so if you have done a customary Portal install, you already have the Personalization Server installed.

The Personalization Server is not supported on System i5 as a standalone server; Personalization is only supported on System i5 when installed with Portal.


Password considerations: For security reasons, you should not store passwords in the wpconfig.properties file. IBM recommends that you edit the wpconfig.properties prior to running a configuration task, inserting the passwords needed for that task. Then, after the task has run, you should delete all passwords from the wpconfig.properties file. For more information, see Deleting passwords.

Alternatively, you can specify the password on the command line using the following syntax:

As with other properties, each password property must have the -D prefix and be set equal to (=) a value. If you have multiple properties in a single command, use a space character between each -Dproperty=value setting.

Installing the Personalization Server

To install the Personalization Server...

  1. Ensure that the machine where you are installing the Personalization Server meets the appropriate prerequisites.

  2. Perform this step only if you are installing on Linux and intend to store Personalization data in a DB2 database. Use the following steps to export the db2instance environment in your profile:

    1. In your .bashrc, .dshrc, or .profile file, add:

      if [ -f /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile ]; then . /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile; fi

      where db2inst1 represents your database instance and db2profile represents your user profile.

    2. Reopen all the shells

    3. Run the env command to verify that your environment has set the IBM DB2 Universal Database™ Enterprise Server Edition profile environment variables, such as DB2INSTANCE=db2inst1, where db2inst1 represents your database instance.

  3. Insert the disc containing the Personalization component into the CD-ROM drive, and launch the installation program. Open a command prompt to the PZN directory and enter one of the following commands, depending on your operating system:

    • Linux: pzninstalllin.bin

    • Windows: pzninstallwin.exe

  4. The welcome panel is displayed.

  5. Enter the path where you want the Personalization Server installed. Click Next.

  6. Select Yes, configure features. Although you can choose to manually configure the features you select after they are installed, it is recommended that you allow the component installer to configure the features during installation.

  7. Click Next to display the list of features you can install.

  8. Select from Personalization, LikeMinds, and Feedback and click Next.

  9. Enter the path where IBM WebSphere Application Server is installed and click Next.

  10. Select the profile you are installing to.

  11. Enter the following information for WebSphere Application Server:

    • Cell to install to: The cell to which the Personalization Server will be installed.

    • Node to install to: The WebSphere Application Server node to which the Personalization Server will be installed. Typically this value is the same as host name of the machine where you are installing the Personalization Server.

    • Application server to install to: The name of the application server to which you are installing. For example, server1.

    • Virtual host: The name of the host for which Personalization will be configured.

    • Is WAS security enabled: Specify whether security is enabled on WebSphere Application Server.

  12. Click Next.

  13. If you indicated that security was enabled, enter the WebSphere Application Server administrator ID and password, and click Next. Otherwise continue to the next step.

  14. Enter the following information for the DB2 Content Manager database required by Personalization.

    • Database type: The database type used for DB2 Content Manager database.

    • Database host: Hostname (only) of remote system hosting the DB2 Content Manager database.

    • Database port: The listening port of the database.

      Required for Microsoft® SQL Server Enterprise Edition and Oracle Enterprise Edition only.

    • Database name: The name of the DB2 Content Manager database.


      • If you are installing on a non-Windows platform to a DB2 database, fill in the TCPIP alias with which the database is cataloged, rather than the name of the physical database.

      • This value should also appear as the database element in Database URL field.

    • Database user ID: The user ID of the administrator for the database.

    • Database user password: The password for the administrator.

    • Database URL: The database URL used to access the jcrdb database through JDBC.

      This value conforms to standard JDBC URL syntax. For example, for DB2 you might use jdbc:db2:jcrdb.

    • Database Driver: The JDBC Driver which is used for JDBC to connect to the database.

    • Location of Database driver: The directory and name of the zip file containing the JDBC driver classes.

  15. If you selected DB2 as your database type and are installing on a Linux system, enter the following information, and click Next. Otherwise, skip this step.

    • JcrXDbName: The name of the WebSphere Portal Express database for the DB2 Content Manager database.

    • JcrDbNode: The node for the database.

  16. Enter the following information for the Feedback database. Note that the DB2 Content Manager database and the Feedback database are expected to have the same database type. Consequently, some field values cannot be edited.

    • Database name: The name of the Feedback database.

    • Database user ID: The user ID of the administrator for the database.

    • Database user password: The password for the administrator.

    • Schema name: The schema to be used for the creation of resources in this database.

    • Database URL: The database URL used to access the Feedback database through JDBC. This value conforms to standard JDBC URL syntax. For example, for DB2 you might use jdbc:db2:fbkdb.

  17. Click Next.

  18. If you selected DB2 as your database type and are installing on a Linux system, enter the following information, and click Next. Otherwise, skip this step.

    • FeedbackXDbName: The name of the Feedback database.

    • FeedbackDbNode: The node for the Feedback database.

  19. Enter the following information for the Likeminds database. Note that the DB2 Content Manager database required by Personalization and the Likeminds database are expected to have the same database type. Consequently, some field values cannot be edited.

    • Database name: The name of the Likeminds database.

    • Database user ID: The user ID of the administrator for the database.

    • Database user password: The password for the administrator.

    • Schema name: The schema to be used for the creation of resources in this database.

    • Database URL: The database URL used to access the Likeminds database through JDBC. This value conforms to standard JDBC URL syntax. For example, for DB2you might use jdbc:db2:lmdb.

  20. Click Next.

  21. If you selected DB2 as your database type and are installing on a Linux system, enter the following information, and click Next. Otherwise, skip this step

    • LikemindsXDbName: The name of the Likeminds database.

    • LikemindsDbNode: The node for the Likeminds database.

  22. If you are using a local DB2 database, Select Yes if you want to create the database during the installation, and click Next.

  23. Verify the components to be installed and click Next. The installation program begins installing the selected components. Unless you selected otherwise previously, the components will be automatically configured. Throughout the installation and configuration process, the installation program displays progress indicators for each component.

  24. When the installation is finished, the installation program displays a confirmation panel.

  25. Click Finish to close the component installer.

Automating Installation

When running the Personalization Runtime installer, a response file is not created by default like it is for WebSphere Portal Express. To create a response file that can be used for a silent install, use the install option -options-record filename. To use it for the install use -options filename like the WebSphere Portal Express install.

The Personalization without WebSphere Portal Express is not supported for i5/OS.

Configuring the Personalization Server after installation

If you configured the Personalization server during install and the configuration was successful, you do NOT need to perform the following steps.

If you chose not to configure the Personalization Server during installation, manually configure it before you can use it.


Configuring the Personalization Server

To configure the Personalization Server, do the following:

  1. Locate the portal_server_root/config/wpconfig.properties, pzn_root/config/wpconfig_dbdomain.properties, and pzn_root/config/wpconfig_dbtype.properties files.

    pzn_root indicates the root directory of WebSphere Portal Express Personalization Server.

  2. Use a text editor to open the properties files. Uncomment and verify the properties for your environment. See Configuring Personalization after installation for a list of properties.

  3. Save the file.

  4. Enter the following commands to run the appropriate configuration tasks:

    Check the output for any error messages before proceeding with the next task. If any of the configuration tasks fail, verify the values in the wpconfig.properties, wpconfig_dbdomain.properties, and wpconfig_dbtype.properties files.

    • Linux: ./WPSconfig.sh setup-pzn -DWasPassword=password -Dfeedback.DbPassword=password

    • Windows:

      WPSconfig.bat setup-pzn -DWasPassword=password -Dfeedback.DbPassword=password

  5. If you wish also to configure LikeMinds Recommendation Engine, follow the instructions at Configuring LikeMinds support for Personalization
Version 6.0.1 only Perform the following steps to switch from a DB2 type 2 driver to a DB2 type 4 driver.

  1. Modify the configuration files in the <personalization_server_root>/config directory to use the DB2 Type 4 drivers. See Creating databases and users for DB2 for more information.

  2. In the same directory, enter the following command to reconfigure the Personalization Server to use the new drivers.

    • Linux: ./WPSconfig.sh update-database-connection -DWasPassword=password

    • Windows: WPSconfig.bat update-database-connection -DWasPassword=password

  3. Restart the Personalization Server.

Verifying the Personalization Server

To verify that the Personalization Server is properly installed and running on your machine, from a command prompt, run the following command:

Uninstalling the Personalization Server

To uninstall the Personalization Server...

Uninstalling the Personalization Server can only be performed when Personalization server is installed without WebSphere Portal Express. If Personalization is installed with WebSphere Portal Express, it can only be uninstalled when WebSphere Portal Express is uninstalled.

  1. Launch the uninstallation program by doing one of the following:

    • Linux:

      From a command prompt, run the following command:

      java -cp pzn_root/uninst/pznuninstall.jar run

    • Windows:

      Select Personalization from the Add/Remove Programs window in the Control Panel.

  2. After you have launched the uninstall program, do the following:

    1. Select the language for the uninstall, and click OK. The welcome panel is displayed.

    2. Click Next to display the components to be uninstalled.

    3. Click Next to begin the uninstall process. When the uninstall program finishes, the program displays a confirmation panel.

    4. Click Finish to close the uninstall program.

Some temporary files and directories may remain after Personalization Server is uninstalled. These files may be removed.


Parent topic:

Installing Personalization without WebSphere Portal Express