Managing Web content > Take a test drive of the JumpStart sites > Step 3: Extending site content > < Previous | Next > WebSphere


Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Step 3.3: Creating new Content

Step three of this tutorial walks you through creating new content.

Now that you have created a site area and a copy of the announcements list template, you need to create the content for the list.

To create new content:

  1. Select Web Content from the main menu. Launch menu with Web Content selected

  2. Select the Web Content Management tab to open the Web Content Management Authoring portlet. Web content tab menu

  3. Click New > Content. the new element window in the web content authoring portlet

  4. Select Announcement and click OK. select the announcement template

  5. Under Identification, enter a name and display title for the announcement. For this example, add the following for each field:

    • Name: Monday

    • Display title: Monday's menu

    identification element fields

  6. Modify the Content section. For this tutorial, add the following to the rich text editor

    • Pizza

    • Hamburgers

    • Milkshakes

    . content element fields

  7. Click Save... > Save and close. Save and close drop down window

  8. Expand Intranet > Work in the navigation, and select Lunch menu from the list. Select First child for the placement of the new menu, and click OK. select a site area
Your Announcement list will now include content on Monday's menu. Once you have completed this module and see the portlet on the Work page, you will see a link for Monday's menu. When you click on that link to see the menu items, the Loopback link created in the previous tutorial will allow you to return to the Menu List.


Lesson checkpoint

During this segment of the tutorial, you have learned the following:

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