Managing Web content > Take a test drive of the JumpStart sites > Step 3: Extending site content > < Previous | Next > WebSphere


Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Step 3.2: Copying a default authoring template

Step two of this tutorial walks you through copying the Announcements List default template for use in the site area that you created in step one.

The Web Content Management Authoring portlet contains several authoring templates out of the box. You can create copies of these authoring templates and modify the copies to contain content that is specific to your site.

It is not recommended to make modifications to the original templates.

To make a copy of a default template:

  1. Select Web Content from the main menu. Launch menu with Web Content selected

  2. Select the Web Content Management tab to open the Web Content Management Authoring portlet. Web content tab menu

  3. In the Web Content Management Authoring portlet, expand Content > By Site Area > Common > Templates, select Announcements List from the list and click More Actions > Copy.

    Always make copies of the templates and only work on the templates. Do not modify the items that are included out of the box directly. Web Content Authoring portlet showing the copy option

  4. In the list of available parent items window, select Content by Site Area > Intranet > Work from the navigation, select Lunch Menu from the list. Select First child for the position and click OK. select lunch menu from the list of parent items You should see a confirmation that the Announcement List was copied. confirmation message

  5. Expand Content > By site area > Intranet > Work > Lunch menu in the navigation, select Announcements List from the list, and click Edit. select the edit button to modify the announcements list

  6. Under Content > Header, add HTML content to display. For this example, type the following for the header:

    <div class="expSectionTitle">
    Lunch </div>
    <div class="expSectionDesc">
    This week's menu.<br/>
    add HTML to the header section

  7. Click Save... > Save and close. Save and close drop down window

  8. From the Authoring portlet, expand Site Areas > By Site > Intranet > Work in the navigation, then select Lunch menu and click Edit. select lunch menu and click the edit button

  9. Under Site Area Properties, select Select Default Content. site area properties section

  10. In the Select a content item window, navigate to the Announcements list you copied to your new site area by expanding Intranet > Work > Lunch Menu, select Announcements List and click OK. select the announcements list and click ok

  11. Click Manage Elements. manage elements button

  12. Under Element type, select Link. Enter Loopback for the name and display title of the link and click Add. element manager window You should see a table that lists the new link element. Click OK to close the Element Manager. table listing new link element

  13. Click Save... > Save and close to return to the Web Content Management Authoring portlet. Save and close drop down window You should see a confirmation that the Lunch menu was saved. Message that lunch menu was saved
Your Lunch site area should now contain an Announcements List. You can verify this by expanding Content > By Site Area > Intranet > Work > Lunch Menu in the navigation. The Announcements List will be in the list.Announcements list appears under the lunch menu site area


Lesson checkpoint

During this segment of the tutorial, you have learned the following

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