There are a few changes to be aware of that are required for your existing scripts when moving to WebSphere Application Server Version 6. In general, the administration model has changed very little. However, there are some changes required with Version 6. See the following steps for the three categories of changes:
The location of the transaction logs directory attribute has changed from the ApplicationServer::TransactionService to the ServerEntry::recoveryLogs. As long as the new location is not used, the value from the old location will continue to be used. Scripts that modify the old location can still be used; that value will take effect until a value in the new location is set. The change to scripts to use the new location is as follows: Old location:
set transService [$AdminConfig list TransactionService $server1] $AdminConfig showAttribute $transService transactionLogDirectory
New Location:
$AdminConfig list ServerEntry $node set serverEntry <select one of the ServerEntry from output of above command> set recoveryLog [$AdminConfig showAttribute $serverEntry recoveryLog] $AdminConfig showAttribute $recoveryLog transactionLogDirectory
HTTP transports: the new architecture for V6 uses the new channel framework. HTTP definitions are mapped on top of this support. When compatibility mode is chosen, the old HTTPTransport objects are migrated and mapped onto the channel architecture. Existing scripts can modify these objects and will run unchanged. See Example: Migrating - Modifying the embedded transports in an application server for examples.
Process definition: The name of this object is changed from processDef to processDefs. You can mitigate this change by using the compatibility mode mapping provided by the migration tools. The change to scripts to use the new location is as follows: Old example:
set processDef [$AdminConfig list JavaProcessDef $server1] set processDef [$AdminConfig showAttribute $server1 processDefinition]Using Jython:
processDef = AdminConfig.list('JavaProcessDef', server1) print processDef
New example. Identify the process definition belonging to this server and assign it to the processDefs variable:
set processDefs [$AdminConfig list JavaProcessDef $server1] set processDefs [$AdminConfig showAttribute $server1 processDefinitions]Using Jython:
processDefs = AdminConfig.list('JavaProcessDef', server1) print processDefs error while eval'ing Jacl expression: couldn't compile regular expression pattern: ?+* follows nothing while executing "regexp {(?x) ..." ("if" test expression) invoked from within "if {[regexp {(?x) ..." (file testregexp.jacl line 2) (file line 2) invoked from within "source testregexp.jacl"
There is no workaround for this regression problem. Jacl has indicated that this is by design and there is no simple patch to fix this design decision. For more information on Jacl, see Jacl.
Related tasks
Migrating from version 5 embedded messaging to version 6
Related reference
Wsadmin tool
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