The WASPostUpgrade script

The WASPostUpgrade script migrates the configuration and applications of previous WebSphere Application Server versions to a Version 6.0 application server node. The script includes applications from the installedApps directory and other directories from the previous version.


This script is available in WebSphere Application Server (Express and Base) and WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment.


To run this script, your user profile must have *ALLOBJ authority.


The syntax of the WASPostUpgrade script is:

WASPostUpgrade backupDirectory [ -profileName profile ]
 [ -import xmi_data_file ]
 [ -includeApps < true | false > ] [ -scriptCompatibility < true | false > ]
 [ -substitute"key1=value1[;key2=value2;[...]]" ]
 [ -portBlock port_starting_number ] [ -backupConfig < true | false > ] 
 [ -replacePorts < true | false > ] [ [ -traceString trace_spec ] 
 [ -traceFile file_name ] ] [ -connectionTimeout timeoutInMinutes ]


The parameters of the WASPostUpgrade script are:


The WASPostUpgrade tool displays status to the screen while running. It also saves a more extensive set of logging information in the WASPostUpgrade.log file. This file is located in the profile_root/logs directory. For example, for the default profile of the Base and Express products, the file would be located in /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/profiles/default/logs.


Migrate from a WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x (Base) node to WebSphere Application Server Version 6.0 (Base)

This example illustrates how to migrate from WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x (Base) to Version 6.0 (Base). The WASPreUpgrade script created the backup directory named /home/was60migration/WAS51Base. The WASPostUpgrade script reads the configuration from this directory to migrate to Version 6.0.

WASPostUpgrade -profileName default /home/was60migration/WAS51Base

Migrate from WebSphere Application Server Version 4.0.x, Advanced Edition

This example illustrates how to migrate from WebSphere Application Server Version 4.0.x, Advanced Edition. The WASPreUpgrade script created the backup directory named /home/was60migration/WAS40Adv. The WASPostUpgrade script reads the configuration from this directory to migrate to WebSphere Application Server Version 6.0.

WASPostUpgrade -profileName default /home/was60migration/WAS40Adv