Perform this task if you want to use Cloudscape (embedded or network) as the database store (either local or remote) for your UDDI Registry. You need only perform this task once for each UDDI Registry, as part of setting up and deploying a UDDI Registry.
If you are creating a remote database, use the database product documentation to familiarize yourself with the relevant capabilities of the product before proceeding with this task.
Before you begin The commands below use a number of arguments for which you need to enter appropriate values. You should decide the values that you will use before you start. The arguments used, and suggested values, are:
java -Djava.ext.dirs=install_root/cloudscape/lib:install_root/java/lib/ext -jar UDDICloudscapeCreate.jar arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4
java -cp install_root/cloudscape/lib/db2j.jar -jar UDDICloudscapeCreate.jar arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4
If the Cloudscape database already exists, you will be asked if you want to recreate it. If you choose to recreate the database, your existing database will be deleted and a new one created in its place. If you choose not to recreate the database, the command will exit and a new database will not be created.
Note: Embedded Cloudscape is not supported for this configuration.
Continue with setting up and deploying your UDDI Registry node.
Related tasks
Creating a DB2 database for the UDDI Registry
Creating an Oracle database for the UDDI Registry