Configure Cloudscape Version 5.1.60.x

Configuring Cloudscape Version 5.1.60.x

Version 5.1.60.x (plus any subsequent fix packs for this version) is the minimum level of Cloudscape that is required for WebSphere Application Server V6.0 - V6.0.2.

Cloudscape supports the following two frameworks:

The following steps describe how to configure and run the Network Server framework.

    1. Start the Network Server on the machine that hosts the database instance.

      To start the Network Server, run the startNetworkServer.bat file, which is located in the WAS_HOME/cloudscape/bin/networkserver directory. On UNIX platforms, the file is .

    2. If necessary, update the file, which is located in the WAS_HOME/cloudscape. By default Network Server only listens on the local host. If your application environment requires remote hosts to access Network Server, consider updating the file according to these recommendations:

      • Uncomment the property. This alteration enables connections from other hosts, and effectively sets the Cloudscape Network Server host address to This value is interpreted by Network Server as meaning all IP address that belong to the host machine.

      • In the case that your Cloudscape host has multiple IP addresses but you want only one of those addresses to accept connections, replace with that IP address.

      • To avoid a security exposure: While running a Network Server instance that accepts connections from remote hosts, run the Network Server under a security manager, such as a Java security manager. For information on setting up such a policy, see the article "Cloudscape Network Server with WebSphere Application Server" at . The last step that is listed in the "Configuring Network Server" section provides a code example.

      • Finally, remember that Network Server administrative commands, such as sysinfo and stopNetworkServer, can only be executed on the host where the server was started, regardless of the property setting.

      By editing other entries in the file, you can enable other important capabilities, such as trace. You can also change the port number on which Network Server listens; the
      default port number is 1527. For more information on the file, see the Cloudscape 5.1 documentation at . A good starting point is the Tuning Guide, chapter one: "Working with Cloudscape Properties."

      Leave one property unchanged, however: The db2j.drda.loadSYSIBM property in the file controls whether a SYSIBM schema is created on the first connection to the database. Leave this property at the default value, which is true .

      If you change this value and disable the creation of a SYSIBM schema for your Cloudscape Network Server database, you cannot see the data types when you create tables using the cview graphical user interface.

    3. Stop the Network Server by invoking the stopNetworkServer.bat file.

      You can find this file in the WAS_HOME/cloudscape/bin/networkserver directory. On UNIX platforms, the file is .

    4. Define a Cloudscape Network Server JDBC provider using the Universal JDBC Driver to connect with WebSphere Application Server.

    5. Restart Network Server.

    What to do next Review additional tools available in the Network Server framework. Find these tools in the WAS_HOME/cloudscape/bin/networkserver directory.

    Note: When you run ij, surround the dbname by double quotation marks (" ") if it includes the full path name; for example: ij> connect '"c:temp;create=true"'

    This is ' " " ' without spaces.

    Reference recommendation: The article "Cloudscape Network Server with WebSphere Application Server" at provides an outline of the entire Network Server configuration process.

    Cloudscape Version 5.1.60x post installation instructions

    Related concepts
    JDBC providers
    Data sources
    Connection pooling

    Related tasks
    Verifying a connection

    Related reference
    Vendor-specific data sources