Creating an Oracle database


Creating an Oracle database

Perform this task if you want to use Oracle as the database store for your UDDI Registry data. You need only do this once for each UDDI registry, as part of Setting up and deploying a UDDI Registry.

Note: Only Version 9i1 and Oracle 10g2

Before you begin

Note that this task will create two new schemas, ibmudi30 and ibmuds30. You will be unable to complete this task if you already have existing schemas of those names. The steps below use a number of variables for which you need to enter appropriate values. You should decide the values that you will use before you start. The variables used, and suggested values are:


is the Oracle userid to be used to create the database.


is the password for the Oracle userid.

  1. Run the following commands:

    1. sqlplus <OracleUserID>/<OraclePassword> @ uddi30crt_10_prereq_oracle.sql

    2. sqlplus <OracleUserID>/<OraclePassword> @ uddi30crt_20_tables_generic.sql

    3. Complete one of the two following actions depending on your level of Oracle:

      • For Version 10g and later:
        sqlplus <OracleUserID>/<OraclePassword> @ uddi30crt_25_tables_oracle.sql

      • For Oracle 9i:
        sqlplus <OracleUserID>/<OraclePassword> @ uddi30crt_25_tables_oracle_pre10g.sql

    4. sqlplus <OracleUserID>/<OraclePassword> @ uddi30crt_30_contraints_generic.sql

    5. sqlplus <OracleUserID>/<OraclePassword> @ uddi30crt_35_constraints_oracle.sql

    6. sqlplus <OracleUserID>/<OraclePassword> @ uddi30crt_40_views_generic.sql

    7. sqlplus <OracleUserID>/<OraclePassword> @ uddi30crt_45_views_oracle.sql

    8. sqlplus <OracleUserID>/<OraclePassword> @ uddi30crt_50_triggers_oracle.sql

    9. sqlplus <OracleUserID>/<OraclePassword> @ uddi30crt_60_insert_initial_static_data.sql

  2. This last command should only be run if you want the database to be used as a default UDDI node.
    sqlplus <OracleUserID>/<OraclePassword> @ uddi30crt_70_insert_default_database_indicator.sql


What to do next

Continue with setting up and deploying your UDDI Registry node.

Related tasks
Creating a DB2 database
Creating a Cloudscape database


discoveryURL (Business) maximum 4000 bytes, UDDI specification 4096 characters; accessPoint (bindingTemplate) maximum 4000 bytes), UDDI Specification 4096 characters; instacneParms (tModelInstanceInfo) maximum 4000 bytes, UDDI specification 8192 characters; overviewURL (tModelInstanceInfo) maximum 4000 bytes, UDDI specification 4096 characters; Digital Signature maximum 4000 bytes.


discoveryURL (business) maximum 4000 bytes, UDDI specification 4096 characters.

Searchable topic ID: twsu_create_oracle