Web content tasks
- Use the web content member fixer task
- Member fixer with syndication
- Use the Update Security task
- Use the workflow update tool
- Clear item history
- Clear version history
- Reset the web content event log
- Use the export cache settings task
- Export and import web content libraries
Scenario: Use the web content member fixer task
After syndicating between two or more Web Content Management (WCM) instances, on the subscriber instance users do not have access to the newly syndicated content. In the security section of the content items, the users appear to have been given access; however, the content is still not accessible to these users in the new environment. In some cases we may no longer see the Author/Owner fields populated or see the user security even defined in the object anymore. References to members in library items contain the distinguished name of the member as well as a unique internal ID for the member. This unique ID is an internal id that is unique over time, and is different to the distinguished name. If a member is deleted and another member is created with the same distinguished name, the two members will have different unique IDs. To update or remove these references from web content items use the mismatchedId parameter.The member fixer task checks all of the items in a specified library for references to users and groups that no longer exist in the current user repository. In report mode, it will report all the references to members. In fix mode, reference are be fixed, either by replacing them with references to members that exist, or by removing the references. When a member that has been given permissions on a library is deleted, the member permissions are entirely removed from the library, so that any inherited permissions for items in the library will also be removed. Therefore, the member fixer task can not be used to update these permissions to a different member. However, when an LDAP transfer is carried out, the member permissions on the library are maintained. So, the member fixer task can be run after an LDAP transfer to update or remove these permissions
Enable the member fixer tool
Enable the member fixer by adding the following parameters to the WCM WCMConfigService service...
- connect.businesslogic.module.memberfixer.class=com.aptrix.pluto.security.MemberFixerModule
- connect.businesslogic.module.memberfixer.remoteaccess=true
- connect.businesslogic.module.memberfixer.autoload=false
Custom Mapping
To update a reference to a member that does not exist with a member that does exist, member mappings can be defined in a custom mapping file. Where the member fixer task does not find a mapping in this file for a member, it will search the user repository for members with the same ID as the member that no longer exists. If such a member is found, it will update the reference with this user or group, or remove the reference, as specified by the altDn parameter. If no such member is found, this member is classified as 'invalid' and will be updated or removed as specified by the parameter invalidDn.
If custom mapping is required, before running the member fixer task edit...
...and set...
cn=contentAuthors,dc=lotus,o=ibm->cn=contentEditors,dc=rational,o=ibm Completely replace one distinguished name with another. cn=[ID],dc=websphere,o=ibm->cn=[ID],dc=tivoli,o=ibm Replace part of a distinguished name. This example changes all of the distinguished name except the common name. Further examples are listed in the MemberFixerModule.properties file.
We then run the member fixer task using the -DaltDn option as details in the following section.
Running the Member Fixer task:
- Open a command prompt.
- To create a report of users or groups referenced in Web Content Manager items that need fixing...
cd WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine ./ConfigEngine.sh run-wcm-admin-task-member-fixer \ -DPortalAdminId=username \ -DPortalAdminPwd=foo \ -DWasUserId=username \ -DWasPassword=foo \ -Dlibrary="MyLibrary"If MyLibrary is omitted, the default library configured with the defaultLibrary property in the WCM WCMConfigService service is used. An administrator user name and password is not required if you have already specified the portal administrator username and password using the PortalAdminId and PortalAdminPwd settings in the wkplc.properties file.
A detailed report containing the updates that will be made for each item will be shown in
If the report indicates that the update will not happen as required, change the member fixer task parameters and run the report mode again. Repeat this process until we are satisfied that the fixes will be applied correctly. This is important because the fixes made by the member fixer task when run in fix mode may not be easy to undo if incorrect fixes are applied.
- If there have been changes to users and groups, update the items that reference them by running the following command:
./ConfigEngine.sh run-wcm-admin-task-member-fixer \ -DPortalAdminId=username \ -DPortalAdminPwd=foo \ -DWasUserId=username \ -DWasPassword=foo \ -Dlibrary="MyLibrary" \ -Dfix=trueAn administrator user name and password is not required if you have already specified the portal administrator username and password using the PortalAdminId and PortalAdminPwd settings in the wkplc.properties file. If the member fixer task indicates that certain mismatched member conditions exist, append the specified parameters to the command:
Condition description Command to correct condition Nonexistent users or groups have alternate DNs available.
- To update references to nonexistent users or groups with the portal administrator user distinguished name, append -DaltDn=update to the command.
- To remove references to nonexistent users or groups append -DaltDn=remove to the command.
If users or groups have invalid distinguished names (DNs) the report will list these as "invalid". This means the distinguished name doesn't exist and there is no alternate distinguished name available.
- To remove references to users and groups that have invalid distinguished names append -DinvalidDn=remove to the command.
- To update references to users and groups that have invalid distinguished names with the portal administrator user distinguished name, append -DinvalidDn=update to the command.
Users or groups have been found with mismatched unique IDs.
- To fix the mismatched unique IDs append -DmismatchedId=update to the command.
- To remove references to users and groups with mismatched unique IDs append -DmismatchedId=remove to the command.
- After the member fixer task has run, review the SystemOut.log to verify that the member fixer task ran correctly. The member fixer task may not be able to save items that fail validation, such as items containing invalid fields. You must edit these items to make them valid and then run the member fixer task again.
Running the Member Fixer in a federated security environment
In a federated security environment with multiple realms, we can specify the realm to run the member fixer task on by adding -Drealm=realmName to the command. If this parameter is omitted the default realm will be used.
The member fixer task will check whether there are any members and groups referenced in items containing any of the base distinguished names defined for the specified realm and fix these references. References to members can only be updated with references to members in the specified realm.
Additionally, the member fixer task can be used to check whether there are any members and groups referenced in items that are not under any of the base distinguished names defined for any of the realms in the environment and fix these references. To do this, follow the same steps described for a single realm environment and add -DnoRealmDn=true to the command.
In a federated security environment with multiple realms, the member fixer task should be run for each realm in turn to make sure that all of the references are fixed.
Preserve dates
We can preserve the last modified date of items updated by the member fixer task by adding -DpreserveDates=true to the command. Otherwise the last modified date will be updated when the member fixer task is run.
Restricting which items types to fix
We can restrict which objects types are processed by appending -DrestrictOn=ItemType to the command. For example:
- content
- folder
- project
- style for presentation templates
- template for authoring templates
- taxonomy
- category
- SiteArea
- Workflow
- WorkflowStage
- WorkflowAction
- Cmpnt for components
We can restrict multiple object types by separating the types with a comma (,). For example, to restrict workflows and workflow stages, we can specify -DrestrictOn=Workflow,WorkflowStage.
If not specified, all object types will be updated.
Running the task for all libraries
We can run this task for all libraries by replacing the option -Dlibrary=libraryName with the option -DallLibraries=true in the command. If neither option is specified, this task will process the default library that has been configured in the WCM WCMConfigService service.
Running the task on a virtual portal
When running this task on a virtual portal either add -DVirtualPortalHostName=name or -DVirtualPortalContext=context to the command.
Parameters to set for large repositories
To prevent the session timing out before the task has finished, we can append the option -DsessionTimeOut=timeOut to the command. This sets the number of seconds in which the task must complete before its session will timeout. The default session timeout is 14,440 seconds, which is 4 hours. For large repositories you should increase this setting. For example: -DsessionTimeOut=36000, which is 10 hours.
These options can be combined when the conditions occur at the same time. For example, if alternate DNs are available for nonexistent users and groups and there are mismatched unique IDs, we would use the following command:
./ConfigEngine.sh run-wcm-admin-task-member-fixer \ -DPortalAdminId=username \ -DPortalAdminPwd=foo \ -DWasUserId=username \ -DWasPassword=foo\ -Dlibrary="MyLibrary" \ -Dfix=true -DaltDn=update -DmismatchedId=updateIf there have been changes to users and groups that are within the specified realm or that are not within any realm, update the items that reference them by entering the following command:
./ConfigEngine.sh run-wcm-admin-task-member-fixer \ -DPortalAdminId=username \ -DPortalAdminPwd=foo \ -DWasUserId=username \ -DWasPassword=foo \ -Drealm=MyRealm \ -Dlibrary="MyLibrary" \ -Dfix=true \ -DnoRealmDn=true
Member fixer with syndication
We can configure the system to automatically run the member fixer tool when syndicating. The member fixer is run on the subscriber during syndication. It is run against items that have just been syndicated. Details of the member fixer operations are included in the syndication report.
To run the member fixer during syndication add or update the following properties in the WCM WCMConfigService service.
Parameter Details deployment.fixMembers To enable member fixing during syndication, set this parameter to true. syndication.memberfixer.altDn To update references to nonexistent users or groups with the portal administrator user distinguished name, set this parameter to update. To remove references to nonexistent users or groups, set this parameter to remove. syndication.memberfixer.invalidDn To update references to users or groups that have invalid distinguished names with the portal administrator user distinguished name, set this parameter to update. To remove references to users or groups that have invalid distinguished names, set this parameter to remove. syndication.memberfixer.mismatchid To fix references to users and groups with mismatched unique IDs, set this parameter to update. To remove references to users and groups with mismatched unique IDs, set this parameter to remove. syndication.memberfixer.fixCase This parameter is used to define how to treat case differences when updating or fixing distinguished names. To leave the case unchanged, set this parameter to update. To convert the case to lower-case, set this parameter to lower. syndication.memberfixer.realm In a federated security environment with multiple realms, specify the name of the realm to run the member fixer against using this parameter. syndication.memberfixer.norealmdn In a federated security environment with multiple realms, the member fixer task can be used to check whether there are any users and groups referenced in items that are not under any of the base distinguished names defined for the realm and fix these references. To enable this, set this parameter to true.
Use the Update Security task
Use the Update Security task to apply inherited access permissions and remove existing item access permissions for all items or all items of a given type. This task is useful as a post-migration step, or if we are applying major changes to the inheritance settings.
Running the Update Security task
- Open a command prompt.
- To apply inherited access permissions to all items in a library named "MyLibrary" for all roles, run the following command from the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine:
./ConfigEngine.sh run-wcm-admin-task-update-security -DWasPassword=foo \ -DPortalAdminId=username -DPortalAdminPwd=foo -DWasPassword=foo -Dlibrary=MyLibrary -DinheritPerms=apply -DlibSecurity=true
An administrator user name and password is not required if you have already specified the portal administrator user name and password using the PortalAdminId and PortalAdminPwd settings in the wkplc.properties file.
- To remove inherited access permissions to all items in a library named "MyLibrary" for all roles, run the following command:
./ConfigEngine.sh run-wcm-admin-task-update-security \ -DPortalAdminId=username \ -DPortalAdminPwd=foo \ -DWasPassword=foo \ -Dlibrary=MyLibrary \ -DinheritPerms=remove
An administrator user name and password is not required if you have already specified the portal administrator user name and password using the PortalAdminId and PortalAdminPwd settings in the wkplc.properties file.
- To remove existing item access permissions for all items in a library named "MyLibrary" for all roles, run the following command:
./ConfigEngine.sh run-wcm-admin-task-update-security \ -DPortalAdminId=username \ -DPortalAdminPwd=foo \ -DWasPassword=foo \ -Dlibrary=MyLibrary -DremoveExistingPerms=true
An administrator user name and password is not required if you have already specified the portal administrator user name and password using the PortalAdminId and PortalAdminPwd settings in the wkplc.properties file.
Running the Update Security task for all libraries
We can run the Update Security task for all libraries by replacing the option -Dlibrary=libraryName with the option -DallLibraries=true in the command. If neither option is specified, the Update Security task will process the default library.
Restricting the task to only update specified items types
We can restrict which objects types are processed by appending -DrestrictOn=ItemType to the command. For example:
- content
- folder
- project
- style for presentation templates
- template for authoring templates
- taxonomy
- category
- SiteArea
- Workflow
- WorkflowStage
- WorkflowAction
- Cmpnt for components
If not specified, the security of all object types will be updated.
Running the task on a virtual portal
When running this task on a virtual portal either add -DVirtualPortalHostName=name or -DVirtualPortalContext=context to the command.
Preserve dates
We can preserve the last modified date of items updated by the Update Security task by adding -DpreserveDates=true to the command. Otherwise the last modified date will be updated when the Update Security task is run.
Defining the session timeout
To prevent your session timing out before the task has finished, we can append the option -DsessionTimeOut=timeOut to the command. This sets the number of seconds in which the task must complete before its session will timeout. The default session timeout is 14,440 seconds, which is 4 hours. For large repositories you should increase this setting. For example: -DsessionTimeOut=36000, which is 10 hours.
All of the options can be combined. For instance, to remove existing item access permissions and apply inherited access permissions to Content in the a library called 'MyLibrary', whilst preserving the last modified dates of the items, run the following command:
./ConfigEngine.sh run-wcm-admin-task-update-security -DWasPassword=foo i -Dlibrary=MyLibrary i -DremoveExistingPerms=true -DinheritPerms=apply i -DrestrictOn=Content i -DpreserveDates=true
Use the workflow update tool
Use the workflow update tool to add a workflow to existing items that aren't already workflow enabled.You must first enable the workflow update tool by adding the following parameters to the WCM WCMConfigService service.
- connect.businesslogic.module.workflowenablement.class=com.aptrix.pluto.workflow.WorkflowEnablementModule
- connect.businesslogic.module.workflowenablement.remoteaccess=true
- connect.businesslogic.module.workflowenablement.autoload=false
- Log in to the portal as an administrator.
- Open the following URL in the browser and specify which workflow to apply and the library containing the items to apply the workflow to:
http://[HOST]:[PORT]/wps/myconnect/?MOD=workflowenablement&library=libraryname&workflow=workflowname&fix=trueIf the "library" parameter is omitted, the default library that has been configured in the WCM WCMConfigService service is used.
If the "&fix=true" parameter is omitted, the tool will run in read-only mode and generate a report.
- Specify a workflow stage:
- We can specify the workflow stage to move the updated items to by adding &workflowstage=workflowstagename to the URL. The stage specified here must have a status of published. We cannot assign items to stages with a status of draft. If not specified, items will be assigned to the first stage with a status of published.
- Preserve dates:
- We can preserve the last modified date of items updated by the Workflow update tool by adding &preserve_dates=true to the URL used to run the Workflow update tool.
- Restricting which items types to fix:
- We can restrict which objects types are processed by adding &restrictOn=itemtype to the URL used to run the Workflow update tool. For example:
- content
- style for presentation templates
- template for authoring templates
- taxonomy
- category
- SiteArea
- Cmpnt for components
If not specified, all object types will be fixed.
- library
- Enter a library name. If the library parameter is omitted, the default library that has been configured in the WCM WCMConfigService service.
To run this tool against all libraries you instead use &alllibraries=true. If you have a large number of libraries, this may take a long time to run, so it may be better to run this tool against individual libraries instead of all libraries.
- Unlocking items:
- To force locked items to be unlocked while running the tool, add &forceUnlock=true to the query. This setting defaults to true.
- Restricting which items types to fix:
- To prevent the server timing out before the workflow update tool has finished, we can specify &sessionTimeOut= to the URL. This is defined as the number of seconds before a session will timeout. For example: &sessionTimeOut=36000 . The default session timeout is 14440 seconds.
Running the tool on a virtual portal
There are two methods available when running the tool on a virtual portal:
- Use the URL context of a virtual portal:
- If the virtual portal has a URL context, we can add this to the URL
- Use the hostname of a virtual portal:
- If the virtual portal has a hostname we can add this to the URL
Set service configuration properties
Clearing item history
Use clear history tool to clear the history of an item.You must first enable the clear history tool by adding the following parameters to the WCM WCMConfigService service.
- connect.businesslogic.module.clearhistory.class=com.aptrix.history.ClearHistoryModule
- connect.businesslogic.module.clearhistory.remoteaccess=true
- connect.businesslogic.module.clearhistory.autoload=false
- Log in to the portal as an administrator.
- Open the following URL in the browser and specify details of what history details to clear:
- day, month and year
- The history details will be cleared prior to the date specified in the day, month and year parameters. If no date is specified, then the date will default to one year before the current date.
- keep
- Specify the minimum number of history entries to keep. For example, if an item has not been updated for over a year, and we specify to clear all history entries more than a year old, but choose to keep the last five entries, all the history will be cleared except for the last five entries even though they are over a year old. If a number is not specified, then the minimum number of history entries to keep will default to 10.
- restrictOn
- Select the item types to run the clear history tool against. If no item types are specified, all item types will be processed. Use the following parameters for each item-type:
- content
- folder
- project
- style for presentation templates
- template for authoring templates
- taxonomy category
- SiteArea
- Workflow
- WorkflowStage
- WorkflowAction
- Cmpnt for components
- library
- Enter a library name. If the "library" parameter is omitted, the default library that has been configured in the WCM WCMConfigService service is used.
To run this tool against all libraries you instead use &alllibraries=true. If you have a large number of libraries, this may take a long time to run, so it may be better to run this tool against individual libraries instead of all libraries.
- fix
- If omitted or set to false, a report listing which history items will be cleared is displayed. If set to true, history items will be cleared as specified.
We cannot completely clear item history. One history item will always remain in an item no matter what parameters we select when clearing the item history.
Running the tool on a virtual portal
There are two methods available when running the tool on a virtual portal:
- Use the URL context of a virtual portal:
- If the virtual portal has a URL context, we can add this to the URL
- Use the hostname of a virtual portal:
- If the virtual portal has a hostname we can add this to the URL
Parent: Maintain web content
Clearing version history
Use clear versions tool to clear the version history of an item.You must first enable the clear versions tool by adding the following parameters to the WCM WCMConfigService service.
- connect.businesslogic.module.clearversions.class=com.aptrix.versioncontrol.ClearVersionsModule
- connect.businesslogic.module.clearversions.remoteaccess=true
- connect.businesslogic.module.clearversions.autoload=false
- Log in to the portal as an administrator.
- Open the following URL in the browser and specify details of what history details to clear:
- day, month and year
- The version history will be cleared prior to the date specified in the day, month and year parameters. If no date is specified, then the date will default to one year before the current date.
- keep
- Specify the minimum number of history versions to keep. For example, if a version has not been created for over a year, and we specify to clear all versions more than a year old, but choose to keep the last five versions, all versions will be cleared except for the last five versions even though they are over a year old. If a number is not specified, then the minimum number of versions to keep will default to 10.
- restrictOn
- Select the item types to run the clear versions tool against. If no item types are specified, all item types will be processed. Use the following parameters for each item-type:
- content
- style for presentation templates
- template for authoring templates
- taxonomy
- category
- SiteArea
- Workflow
- WorkflowStage
- WorkflowAction
- Cmpnt for components
- library
- Enter a library name. If the library parameter is omitted, the default library that has been configured in the WCM WCMConfigService service.
To run this tool against all libraries you instead use &alllibraries=true. If you have a large number of libraries, this may take a long time to run, so it may be better to run this tool against individual libraries instead of all libraries.
- fix
- If omitted or set to false, a report listing which versions will be cleared is displayed. If set to true, versions will be cleared as specified.
We cannot completely clear all versions. One version of an item will always remain no matter what parameters we select when clearing the version history.
Running the tool on a virtual portal
There are two methods available when running the tool on a virtual portal:
- Use the URL context of a virtual portal:
- If the virtual portal has a URL context, we can add this to the URL
- Use the hostname of a virtual portal:
- If the virtual portal has a hostname we can add this to the URL
Reset the web content event log
Each time a change occurs in a syndicated library (created/updated/moved/deleted) an entry is created in the eventlog database to associate with the change set. When syndication is due to run changes in the eventlog database are fetched and processed accordingly. Any changes made by resetting the event log are syndicated to its corresponding subscribers. In most cases we reset the event log on the server we have imported or migrated data onto, or on a syndicator to troubleshoot syndication problems in a syndication relationship.
You should reset the web content event log under these circumstances:
- The contents of the repository have been modified through an external mechanism such as a JCR import or some other custom application.
- As a post migration step during migration prior to syndication.
- To troubleshoot syndication problems such as items on the syndicator not being sent.
Before resetting the web content event log,
You must first enable the reset event log module by adding the following parameters to the WCM WCMConfigService service.
- connect.businesslogic.module.reseteventlog.class=com.ibm.workplace.wcm.services.eventlog.ResetEventLogModule
- connect.businesslogic.module.reseteventlog.remoteaccess=true
- connect.businesslogic.module.reseteventlog.autoload=false
...and set DbSafeMode property to false.
In clustered environments, only reset the event log on the primary node.
Any objects that were "purged" on the syndicator since the last syndication will not be purged on the subscriber. Purged objects are lost since the event log does not maintain records of objects that were deleted. To clean up purged items on a subscriber, we will need to go the subscriber and manually delete them.
To run...
cd WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine
./ConfigEngine.sh run-wcm-admin-task-reset-event-log -Dlibrary=library_name -Dfix=trueIf -Dfix=true is omitted, then the task will run in report-mode only.
When running this task on a virtual portal either add -DVirtualPortalHostName=name or -DVirtualPortalContext=context to the command.
Use the export cache settings task
When we run the export cache settings task, a summary of your cache settings is generated and set to the SystemOut.log. This includes the type of cache being used, and how it is being applied. For example, basic caching per session, or data caching per site.
Running the export cache settings task
- Open a command prompt.
- Run the following command from the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine:
./ConfigEngine.sh run-wcm-admin-task-export-cache-settings \ -DWasPassword=foo \ -DPortalAdminId=username \ -DPortalAdminPwd=foo \ -Dlibrary=MyLibrary -DinheritPerms=apply \ -DlibSecurity=true
An administrator user name and password is not required if you have already specified the portal administrator user name and password using the PortalAdminId and PortalAdminPwd settings in the wkplc.properties file.
Displaying cache settings in a browser
We can also display the cache settings in a browser using the following URL:
Export and import web content libraries
WCM provides two methods for exporting and importing web content libraries: an export or import that operates on one library, and an export or import that enables us to work with a separate copy of a library. With either method, we can export the contents of a web content library to disk and import this data into another web content server. If you're working with a copy of a library, we can also import that library into the same web content server multiple times, resulting in a new library after each import without affecting previous copies. Exporting and importing libraries enables us to make a backup copy of a web content library and can also be used to move data between servers. However, this function cannot be used to send updates, deletes and moves. It is only suitable for populating new items.Before beginning, create an empty shared directory to hold the exported web content library. If moving data between servers, both systems must have write access to this directory. In addition, review the following considerations before exporting or importing web content libraries:
- Import libraries into different versions
- We can import libraries from a different version of Web Content Manager so long as the version we are importing the library into is later than the version you exported the library from. For example:
- we can import a library exported from version into version 7.0
- we cannot import a library exported from version 7.0 into version
IBM recommends that you upgrade to the latest version of each release before attempting to import libraries between versions. It is not possible to export libraries from releases before 6.0.
- Export and import a web content library versus syndication.
- This feature does not replace the syndication feature. Although this feature can be used to transfer data between servers, it is a manual process and is not meant to be used for regular updates between servers. Syndication is instead used to automatically keep two or more servers synchronized. Also, whereas syndication can be used to send updates, deletes and moves, the import feature is only suitable for populating new items.
- Limitations of exporting and importing a web content library.
- Saved versions of items are not exported. Only the current version of each item is exported.
- Children are only exported and imported when the parent is successfully exported and imported.
- If an item exists on the target server with the same path, name and ID, then the item is overwritten.
- Library and item level access controls remain unchanged when a library is exported and imported. Run the member fixer tool on the imported library to fix references to missing users and groups.
- We cannot import an item if an item on the target server has the same ID but a different parent than the item being imported.
- Disable JCR text search.
- IBM recommends you disable JCR text search indexing on the HCL WebSphere Portal server before exporting or importing large libraries to reduce the load on the database during export and import. Edit the WP_PROFILE/PortalServer/jcr/lib/com/ibm/icm/icm.properties file and set the jcr.textsearch.enabled property to false. After the file is updated, restart the server for the changes to take effect. After completing exporting or importing the library then enable JCR text search again. It can take some time to rebuild the indexes.
- Export and import large libraries
- When importing web content libraries, a temporary directory is used to store the library files during the upload process. If the size of the uploaded files exceeds the available disk space for the temporary directory, the import operation fails. When uploading large libraries, ensure that there is sufficient disk space to accommodate the import. The location of the temporary directory is specified by the jcr.binaryValueFileDir property in...
- When exporting or importing large libraries, increase the total transaction lifetime timeout and the maximum transaction timeout of the server to 360 seconds through the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console. To change these settings, go to...
Servers | Server Types | WebSphere appservers | portal_server | Container Services | Transaction Service
- Personalization components.
- Personalization rules created within a Personalization component are exported and imported along with the web content library.
If we are using Personalization rules created directly in the Personalization portlet you need to export and import the rules to and from Personalization the same servers as the web content using the same process as moving WebSphere Portal content from a staging system to a production system. Personalization export and import must be performed before exporting and importing web content.
- JSP components
- If we are using JSP components manually copy any related JSP files to and from the same servers that we are exporting and importing to.
Syndicating items from one server to another, either after migration or to roll out a new server, can take a long time. Your database backup and restore features can be used to clone data from one repository to another, making the system ready for syndication to be used from then on for incremental updates.
There are two basic cloning scenarios:
- Cloning all items from one server to another. For example, cloning data from one authoring server to another authoring server.
- Cloning all items from one server to a another, but then removing un required data from the cloned server. For example, cloning data from an authoring server to a delivery server where we would want to remove version history and draft items from the delivery server repository.
These procedures only describe how to clone a web content repository. To clone a Portal environment, XMLaccess export and import should be used to transfer the Portal data to the target environment
- Cloning preparation
You must prepare the source and target systems prior to cloning a web content repository.
- Cloning data
These procedures describe how to clone web content data from one system to another.
Parent: Maintain web content
See also: