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Make the custom skin the default skin

Add the custom skin to the skins list to set it as the default skin for the theme. If it is the only custom skin, it is automatically set as the default skin for the theme.

If development mode was not enabled before you copied the theme, restart the portal server before after completing following steps.

  1. Log on to HCL WebSphere Portal and go to...

      Administration | Portal User Interface | Themes and Skins | Custom Theme | Edit theme

  2. Select Custom Skin in Skins for this theme list and click Set as Default.

  3. Click OK.

What to do next

Your theme is now available for use on the portal. To verify, create a page, edit page properties, and assign the theme to the page.

Your custom theme uses ready-to-use modules, which are shared across themes and intentionally remain uncopied in the Theme Modules web application. For the theme to operate the Theme Modules web application must remain started in addition to the web application for the theme.

Parent Create a copy of the theme