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Create a page

Create pages and page labels to from the site toolbar without leaving the context of the website.


We can create new pages without using projects. However, projects group changes into a collection that can be submitted for review and then published at the same time. If we plan to make multiple changes across the site, use a project to group the changes.

Templates and labels

When creating a page, we can select a template to use. The templates make page creation faster and consistent. If the organization has common page layouts, the site administrator can create a collection of site templates for us to select from. To get started, three templates are provided for immediate use: Articles, Basic, and Label.

  • The article page template includes the article and list of article portlet.

  • The basic page template is an empty page with a two-column layout.

  • The label is an organization element. The first child page under a label displays when click the label in the navigation. We cannot associate content with a label.

  1. Open the site toolbar, and turn on the edit mode. The edit mode is a toggle control.

  2. Click Create. Page is the first tab under Create.

  3. Select a template from the available templates.

  4. Provide a page title the site visitors see.

  5. The system recommends a friendly name. The friendly name is used in the URL for the page to make the URL easy to remember and type.

  6. Select the placement of that page relative to the page we are viewing. If we create the page in the wrong place, we can move it later.


After creating the page we are prompted to edit the page information, change the layout, or add content. Select the add content option to start populating the page with content.

Parent Pages and page templates