
Enable e-mail notification for workspaces

Enabling e-mail notification in workspaces allows e-mail to be sent automatically when the state of a task changes.

Note: The development environment is not meant to be an authoring environment. Support is provided in the environment for customization purposes only. For example, testing out changes to the content management functionality, and for simple tests, such testing out how the function works for the very first time. The ability to push out changes is not available. To make changes to the content management workspaces, we cannot publish the changes out to another database.


  1. Configure the e-mail transportation method for the authoring environment.

  2. Assign the following message types to the e-mail transportation method:

    • RejectTaskNotification

    • ReadyToApproveTaskGroupNotification

    • ActivateTaskNotification

  3. Open the following the file in a text editor: workspace_dir\WC\xml\config\wc-workspace.xml

  4. Find the following text:

      <ActivateTaskEmail isEmailEnabled="false" from="" cc="" bcc="" language="en_US" /> 
      <RejectTaskEmail isEmailEnabled="false" from="" cc="" bcc="" language="en_US" /> 
      <ApproveTaskGroupEmail isEmailEnabled="false" from="" cc="" bcc="" language="en_US" />

    Change the text:

      <ActivateTaskEmail isEmailEnabled="true" from="" cc="" bcc="" language="en_US" />
      <RejectTaskEmail isEmailEnabled="true" from="" cc="" bcc="" language="en_US" />
      <ApproveTaskGroupEmail isEmailEnabled="true" from="" cc="" bcc="" language="en_US" />

  5. Save our changes.

  6. Stop and restart WebSphere Commerce.

Related concepts
Workspaces overview

Related tasks
Enable Workspaces in the WebSphere Commerce development environment
Running authoring environment update scripts
Creating an authoring environment
Configure a transport method for the site
Assigning a message type to a transport method for a site or store