Commerce Composer widget properties

By default, the widgets available for use with the Commerce Composer tool can include properties that a developer can define, or Management Center user can configure. When we are creating a custom widget, we can define your widget to include any of these properties, or you create our own custom properties. By default, Commerce Composer widgets include a variety or properties. These properties can display to Management Center users or be hidden from these users. We can use widget properties for multiple purposes:

When we are creating a widget, use the storefront assets, registered definition XML, and Management Center definitions of existing widgets to help you define properties for our widget.

When we are defining the properties view definition for the configurable properties to include in the Commerce Composer tool, we can define the properties to display in different ways. For instance, we can define the properties so that users can select the value for the properties using radio buttons, check boxes, combination boxes, and more. See Examples: Adding Management Center properties view widgets. After you define the behavior of the properties for our widget, the values for the properties can be specified using any of the following options:

Note: All widgets include a configurable property Widget name. This is a name for the user to set to help the user identify the widget within a specific layout or layout template. By default, the value for this name is the display name of the widget set for the value of the WIDGETDISPLAYNAME column of the PLWIDGETDEFDESC database table. This property is not set within the definition XML of a widget or by the widget manager class. The value can be changed within the Commerce Composer tool, or by updating the ADMINNAME column of the PLWIDGET. database table.