(Enterprise)Add catalog entry overrides with Catalog Upload
We can use the Catalog Upload feature in the Catalogs tool to add catalog entry description overrides to our extended site storefront. Loading description overrides can replace the storefront descriptions of catalog entries that the store inherits from our asset store.
Task info
By overriding the descriptions of your inherited catalog entries, we can set store specific descriptions for the catalog entries. Overriding the inherited descriptions replaces the description for the catalog entries in the storefront. The catalog entries continue to display the inherited asset store description in Management Center and for any other store that shares the catalog entry.
We can also use the Management Center Catalogs tool to set catalog entry description override information.
- Download the sample CSV file that contains catalog description override details.
We can also load this data in XML format. If you choose to create an XML file to load description override information, we can use the following sample to help create your XML file,
sample catalog entry description override XML file. Ensure that your file uses the CSV column names as the XML element names.The sample file includes the following catalog entry columns:
Column or Element Description PartNumber (String) The part number of the catalog entry. Either this field or the CatalogEntryUniqueId is required. The part number for a catalog entry displays in Management Center as the value for the catalog entry Code property. If the CatalogEntryUniqueId is available, it should be used instead of the PartNumber for better performance. CatalogEntryUniqueId (Integer) The internal unique reference number of the catalog entry. Either this field or the PartNumber is required. LanguageId (Integer) The language ID for language-specific fields (Name, ShortDescription, LongDescription, AuxDescription1, AuxDescription2, Thumbnail, FullImage, Published, and Keyword). For instance:
- -1 for English
- -2 for French.
Name (String) The language-specific display name of this catalog entry. ShortDescription (String) The language-specific short description of this catalog entry. LongDescription (String) The language-specific long description of this catalog entry. Thumbnail (String) The language-specific thumbnail image path of this catalog entry. For instance, images/thumbnails/G1preview.jpg. AuxDescription1 (String) The language-specific auxiliary description of this catalog entry. FullImage (String) The language-specific path to the full image of this catalog entry. For instance, images/G1.jpg. The path can be either a full path, or a relative path from the store directory. AuxDescription2 (String) The language-specific auxiliary description of this catalog entry. Keyword (String) A language-specific keyword used for searching. If we are using a plain text editor and we want to include multiple keywords, which are separated by commas, include the entire string in double quotation marks. For instance, "keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword3". If we are using a spreadsheet editor, it is not necessary to include the entire string in double quotation marks. Field1 (Integer) A customized field for the catalog entry data. Field2 (String) A customized field for the catalog entry data. Field3 (String) A customized field for the catalog entry data. Delete (String) A flag that indicates whether to delete. To delete a row, specify 1.
Note: By default, we cannot override the asset store setting for the property Published. The property displays in Management Center as Display to customers. To override the asset store setting for this property, we must have a developer add support for overriding this property through configuration.
- Load the sample file into the store database with the Catalog Upload feature. This process adds the sample extended site store catalog entry description overrides to our extended site storefront. We can edit the sample data before you load the file.
- Open the sample file.
- Edit the file to create the descriptive information that suits your business needs.
- Load the sample file into the store database with the Catalog Upload feature to override the storefront descriptions for our extended site store catalog entries. For more information about using the Catalog Upload feature to load catalog data, see uploading catalog data.
To add multiple description overrides to our extended site store catalog, add the additional catalog entry override descriptions into a single file. Each override entry requires a unique Part Number.
Related concepts
Catalog entry description overrides
Related tasks
Adding catalog entry description overrides