Manage catalog filters
Catalog filters can be managed by Sales Managers, Account Representatives, and Seller Administrators.
- Use catalog filters
By creating catalog filters and assigning them to contracts, we can entitle subsets of the catalog to our customers. We can also use catalog filters in price rules to set pricing for different subsets of the catalog.- Catalog filter uploads
We can upload catalog filter data using the Catalog Filter and Pricing tool. For example, if your company maintains catalog filter data in a spreadsheet, we can upload the data from the spreadsheet to the WebSphere Commerce database. The Catalog Filter Upload feature uses the Data Load utility, but it provides a user interface that makes the upload process easier.- Deleting catalog filters
We can delete a catalog filter if you no longer need it.- Viewing catalog filters
We can view all catalog filter for a store.
Related concepts
Catalog Filter and Pricing tool
Catalog filtering
Catalog filter assignment and contracts
Catalog filter uploads