
Scenario 1: B2C store using a simple price rule

The following scenario shows how a pricing manager for a B2C store might use a simple price rule to manage pricing. This scenario highlights the following price rule concepts: simple equations in price rules and rounding prices.

Site description

A retail vintage t-shirt business with a single store.

What the pricing manager wants to do

The pricing manager currently uses an Offer Price list to display t-shirt prices to customers on the storefront. Instead, he wants to base pricing on his cost to make each t-shirt. For this purpose, he has created a T-Shirt Cost price list. For now, he wants to mark up his cost by 15%. Over time, he wants the ability to change the markup percentage quickly and easily to suit the current t-shirt market.

How the pricing manager uses price rules

To achieve his pricing goals, the pricing manager creates a price rule called Cost Plus and assigns it to the default contract for his store, as shown in the following diagram:

When customers view t-shirts on the storefront, the prices they see are calculated using this price rule.

The Cost Plus price rule looks like this:

The actions used in this price rule work like this:

Get Price from Price List Looks up the price of the t-shirt the customer is viewing in the T-Shirt Cost price list. This price is used as input to the next action in the price rule.
Calculate Price Marks up the cost from the T-Shirt Cost price list by 15%.
Apply Rounding Rounds up the calculated price so that the price ends with either ".49" or ".99"

Highlights of this scenario

Related concepts
Price rules: An overview
Price rule assignment and contracts
Price equations and constants in price rules
Price rule building blocks: actions, conditions, and branches