Workspace management

We can use the Workspace Management tool in Management Center to manage and edit workspaces and its tasks and task groups we are authorized to work with. Using the Workspace Management tool, we can perform a number of tasks, given the role is authorized to work with them:

Workspace Management tool tasks.
Workspace manager Task group approver Content contributor
Manage workspaces
Create workspaces X
Change workspaces X
Cancel workspaces X
Delete workspaces X
View workspaces X X
Manage task groups
Create task groups X
Change task groups X
Cancel task groups X
Delete task groups X
Activate task groups X
Reactivate task groups X
Approve or reject task groups X X
View task groups X X
Search for task groups X X X
Add comments to task groups X X X
View task groups history X X X
Open task group changes X X
Compare changes with approved content X X X
Undo task group changes X X
View task group history after the task group is approved or canceled. X X
Manage tasks
Create tasks X
Change tasks X
Delete tasks X
Mark tasks as complete X X
Approve or reject tasks X X
Reactivate tasks X X
View tasks X X X
View task details X X X
Search for tasks X X X
Work on tasks X

(Approval task)

Add comments to tasks X X X
View comments in tasks X X X
View task changes X X X
Open task changes X X
Compare changes with approved content X X X
Undo task changes X X

Related concepts
Workspace Management tool