Action: Add or Replace Search Criteria

Use this action in a search rule to add or replace search criteria when customers submit searches in the store. Adding search criteria limits the scope of search results in the store by adding additional search criteria, while replacing search criteria modifies the search results.

Adding search criteria

We can add search criteria for the following search filters:

For example, if a shopper is searching for table, we can restrict the search results to the Furniture category and filter out products from other categories such as table glasses.

Replacing search criteria

We can specify search terms to replace the shopper's submitted search terms in the store. In doing so, we can promote catalog entries that you know appear in search results for specific search terms.

For example, if a shopper enters a general search term that likely results in many search results, such as computer, the action can replace it with a more specific search term, such as laptop.

Guidelines for using this action

When setting up this action, we must:

Related concepts
Action: Add To or Remove From Customer Segment
Action: Change Search Result Order
Action: Specify Top Search Result