Catalog Upload

We can upload catalog data in comma-separated value (CSV) files using the Management Center Catalogs tool. Catalog data includes categories, catalog entries (products, SKUs, bundles, and kits), sales catalogs, attributes, asset references, and more. If you have catalog data in a spreadsheet, we can upload the data from the spreadsheet instead of manually entering the data into the Catalogs tool.

We can also load this data in XML format. If you choose to create and use an XML formatted file, ensure that your file uses the CSV column names as the XML element names.

Note: We must upload the images associated with the catalog data with the Assets tool. Use the Catalog Upload feature to upload:

We can also delete and replace catalog data with the Catalog Upload feature. The Catalog Upload feature uses the Data Load utility.

Known limitations of the Catalog Upload feature

Other ways of uploading catalog data

In addition to uploading catalog data with the Catalogs tool, we can also upload catalog data with the command-line loading utilities.

Related tasks
Creating catalog data in CSV format
Uploading catalog data

Related reference
File format for uploading catalog data