Create catalog data in CSV format
We can create the catalog data that we want to upload into the Management Center in a CSV format.
Before beginning
Ensure that we are familiar with the following topics: File format for uploading catalog data and Data Load utility CSV column and XML element definitions.
- Open a spreadsheet editor.
- In the first cell of the first row, you specify which business object to upload. Choose one of the following keywords, type the keyword exactly as shown:
- Attachment
- AttachmentAsset
- Catalog
- CatalogDescription
- CatalogEntryRelationship
- CatalogGroup
- CatalogGroupAsset
- CatalogGroupAssociation
- CatalogGroupAttachment
- CatalogGroupCalculationCode
- CatalogGroupDescription
- CatalogGroupRelationship
- CatalogGroupSEO
- CatalogEntry
- CatalogEntryAsset
- CatalogEntryAssociation
- CatalogEntryAttachment
- CatalogEntryCalculationCode
- CatalogEntryComponent
- CatalogEntryDescription
- CatalogEntryDescriptionOverride
- CatalogEntryDescriptiveAttributeAndValue
- CatalogEntryInventory
- CatalogEntryATPInventory
- CatalogEntryOfferPrice
- CatalogEntryParentCatalogGroupRelationship
- CatalogEntryParentProductRelationship
- CatalogEntrySEO
- CatalogEntryUpdate
- CatalogEntryDescriptionUpdate
- CatalogFilter
- CatalogFilterCategory
- CatalogFilterCatentry
- CatalogFilterCondition
- CatalogFilterConditionGroup
- ListPriceList
- ProductDefiningAttributeAndAllowedValues
- SKUDefiningAttributeValue
- AttributeDictionaryAttributeAndAllowedValues
- AttributeDictionaryAttributeAllowedValues
- CatalogEntryAttributeDictionaryAttributeRelationship
- AttributeDictionaryAttributeFolderRelationship
- We can include the Delete column header among your column headings. For each record in your file, we can identify if it is to be deleted or not. If the value for the Delete column is 1, the catalog object is to be deleted. If the value for the Delete column is 0 or omitted, the catalog object is not to be deleted.
- In the second row, specify the column headers that correspond to the catalog business object.
- In the remaining rows of the worksheet, specify the catalog data values that correspond to the column heading definitions used in the previous step.
The following example creates a Springs Fashions sales catalog, and deletes the Winter Fashions sales catalog:
- Save the worksheet as a CSV file.
- Optional: Create catalog data for different catalog business objects. Repeat steps 1 - 5.
- Optional: Compress one or more CSV files into a compressed file using a compression utility; password-encrypted compressed files are not supported. If you choose to compress your CSV files into a compressed file, be aware of the following:
- All CSV files must use the same file encoding. For more information about the various file encoding, see Uploading catalog data.
- Catalog object types must be unique across all the CSV files in the compressed file, that is, we cannot have more than one CSV file that uses the same keyword.
- Catalog object types are uploaded in the following order:
Catalog Upload feature catalog object type load order
Priority Keyword 1 Catalog 2 CatalogDescription 3 CatalogGroup 4 CatalogGroupAssociation, CatalogGroupDescription, CatalogGroupRelationship, CatalogGroupCalculationCode 5 CatalogEntry 6 ProductDefiningAttributeAndAllowedValues, CatalogEntryDescriptiveAttributeAndValue, AttributeDictionaryAttributeAndAllowedValues 7 CatalogEntryAssociation, CatalogEntryComponent, CatalogEntryDescription, CatalogEntryCalculationCode, CatalogEntryInventory, CatalogEntryATPInventory, CatalogEntryOfferPrice, CatalogEntryParentCatalogGroupRelationship, CatalogEntryParentProductRelationship, AttributeDictionaryAttributeAllowedValues, CatalogEntryDescriptionOverride 8 SKUDefiningAttributeValue, CatalogEntryAttributeDictionaryAttributeRelationship, AttributeDictionaryAttributeFolderRelationship
Note: By default, the maximum file size for uploads is 10 MB.
You create CSV files in a suitable format for the Catalog Upload feature. When you upload the files, the catalog business object keyword and the column headers are interpreted but are not uploaded to the catalog.
Related concepts
Catalog Upload