Deciding how to compose the email content

Emails are composed by using content from either WebSphere Commerce, IBM Marketing Cloud Transact XML, or a combination of the two sources. Deciding how to compose the email content typically depends on the complexity of the email that is being sent.

Before beginning

Regardless of the option we select, ensure that the following conditions are met:


Select an option to compose the email body content that best suits your business needs.

Similarly, select how the email subject is composed.

The following options can be used to compose the email subject. Either in IBM Marketing Cloud Transact XML, or in WebSphere Commerce. For both options, the subject is entered in the IBM Marketing Cloud Transact XML email template's Subject Line tab. For more information about setting the subject line in the IBM Marketing Cloud Transact XML email template, see Creating transactional email templates in IBM Marketing Cloud Transact XML.

Next topic: Creating transactional email templates in IBM Marketing Cloud Transact XML