Create and using resource bundles in the tools framework

We can create and use resource bundles within the tools framework. For example, you create a resource bundle when creating a language selection list. A list selection determines the language, encoding, and cultural formatting preference of the user.

Note: All WebSphere Commerce tools must be encoded in UTF-8. All tools pages (JSP files) include the common.jsp file to set the servlet response parameters, which includes:


  1. Create a properties file and save it in the following directory: workspace_dir\WC\properties\com\ibm\commerce\tools\utf\properties

  2. Open the workspace_dir\wc\xml\tools\tools_component_name\resources.xml file.

  3. To use a resource string (from a resource bundle) in your code:

    1. Retrieve your properties file using the following command:

        Hashtable myResource = (Hashtable)
        Locale locale)

      Where resourceName is namespace.resource_name.

    2. Use the following command to retrieve the required information from the hash table:

        String resource = (String)myResource.get("<resource key>");

    The following example shows retrieving a resource string to use in your JSP file:

      <%@include file="../common/common.jsp" %>
      CommandContext commandContext =
      Locale locale = commandContext.getLocale();
      Hashtable resourceBundle = (Hashtable)
      ResourceDirectory.lookup("common.mccNLS", locale);
      <table CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="100%"
      <td><table CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" BORDER="0"
      <td class="entry_text"><%=
      resourceBundle.get("paragraph1") %></td>
      <td class="entry_text"><%=
      resourceBundle.get("paragraph2") %></td>
      <td class="entry_text"><%=
      resourceBundle.get("paragraph3") %></td>

Related concepts
WebSphere Commerce configuration file (wc-server.xml)
Outbound messaging system
Globalized catalog content
Cultural considerations
Localized store assets
Globalization in the messaging system
Programming models for globalized stores
Globalized store design
Supporting globalization
Globalized tools framework

Related tasks
Creating a language selection drop-down list
Creating a globalized store
Use resource bundles in store pages
Formatting addresses and names in the tools

Related reference
Globalization tips