WebSphere Commerce configuration file (wc-server.xml)

Many aspects of the WebSphere Commerce runtime application are configured in an XML file. This XML file is located inside the WebSphere Commerce Java Platform, Enterprise Edition EAR. The wc-server.xml file is located in the following directories:

Modifying wc-server.xml WebSphere Commerce Version 9 runs its Transaction server inside a Docker container. Containerized servers reset their contents to their preset state every time the server is restarted. This means that we cannot edit the wc-server.xml in a running container and expect the changes to be preserved when the container is restarted. Instead, we must build a new container image that includes the changed file.

  1. Open for editing the copy of wc-server.xml in the development environment,

  2. Modify the file according to whatever instructions we are following. Once you have updated the file, save it in place, or check it into your code repository.

  3. Deploy the new file to the Transaction server using the WebSphere Commerce CI/CD pipeline For more information about deployment, see Packaging customized code for deployment.

  4. Build the new Docker container. See Building packages.