Cultural considerations

In software development, cultural formatting refers to the selection of culturally sensitive information such as a country's numeric format, monetary format, date and time formats, and calendar format. Such information varies from one region to another because of which the software application cannot mandate any cultural formats.

The following are the cultural considerations for globalization:

The Transaction Server run time infrastructure and tools framework provide an extensible and customizable set of globalized user interface (UI) functions. This allows programmers to implement a full-featured UI with a culturally sensitive look and feel.

Related tasks
Adding a currency to WebSphere Commerce
Address and name formatting in the tools
Creating a globalized store
Creating a new display format
Creating and using resource bundles in the tools framework
Currency and number formatting
Date and time formatting
Setting the dir attribute for bidi specifications
Encoding for e-mail transmission
Name and address formatting
Use resource bundles in store pages
Creating a language selection drop-down list
Formatting addresses and names in the tools

Related reference
Globalization tips