Add a currency to WebSphere Commerce

WebSphere Commerce comes populated with many currencies. If the currency that your store must support is not provided by default, we can add a currency to WebSphere Commerce.

Task info

The list of currencies that are supported by default can be found in the following file: WCDE_installdir\schema\xml\wcs.bootstrap_multi_en_US_base.xml

To add a currency that is not supported by default to WebSphere Commerce as a site supported currency:


  1. Add your national currency as a site-supported currency:

      insert into setcurr (setccurr, setccode, setcexp) 
      values (<Alphabetic currency code as per ISO 4217>,
      <Numeric currency code as per ISO 4217>,
      <The exponential value by which a subunit of the currency (such
      as cents)
      is multiplied to get the main currency unit>)

    For example,

      insert into setcurr (setccurr, setccode, setcexp) values ('THB',
      818, -2)

  2. Add a description to your national currency at the site level for our language_id. We can add a description to your national currency in as many languages as your system supports.

      insert into setcurrdsc (setccurr, language_id, description) values
      (<Alphabetic currency code>, <language_id>,

  3. Add a currency formatting rule.

      insert into curformat (storeent_id, setccurr, roundingmultiple, numbrusg_id, roundingmethod, decimalplaces)
      values (<storeentity> ,<Alphabetic currency code>, <Rounding multiple according to national law or practice.
      For example, specify 5 to round dollars to the nearest five cent piece. Default is 1>,
      <The currency formatting rule which is refer to the table NUMBRUSG.>,
      <How to round to a multiple of ROUNDINGMULTIPLE: R = round normally - up or down - to the nearest multiple
      T = truncate - round down for positive amounts, round up for negative amounts>, 
      <The number of decimal places in a rounded or truncated monetary amount>);

    For example,

      insert into curformat (storeent_id, setccurr, roundingmultiple,
      roundingmethod, decimalplaces, minapproveamount) values

      insert into curformat (storeent_id, setccurr, roundingmultiple,
      roundingmethod, decimalplaces, minapproveamount) values

      insert into curformat (storeent_id, setccurr, roundingmultiple,
      roundingmethod, decimalplaces, minapproveamount) values

  4. Add a currency formatting description.

      insert into curfmtdesc (storeent_id, setccurr, language_id,
      customizedcurrstr, currencyprefixpos, currencysuffixpos,
      currencyprefixneg, currencysuffixneg, radixpoint, groupingchar,
      numberpattern, description) values (-1, 'THB', -11, 'B', null, 'B',
      null, 'B-', null, null, null, '#,##0.00', null)

    For more information, see CURFMTDESC.

  5. Add a conversion rule between the default currency of the store and the created currency:

      insert into curconvert (storeent_id, fromcurr, tocurr, factor,
      multiplyordivide, bidirectional, updatable, curconvert_id)



Related concepts
WebSphere Commerce configuration file (wc-server.xml)
Outbound messaging system
Globalized catalog content
Cultural considerations
Localized store assets
Globalization in the messaging system
Programming models for globalized stores
Globalized store design
Supporting globalization
Globalized tools framework

Related tasks
Creating a globalized store
Currency and number formatting

Related reference
Globalization tips