Customize the WebSphere Commerce Build tool

The Build tool supports a wide range of configuration by default through samples and configurations. The Build tool also provides extension points for developing customized build processes.

Check the documentation first to see if the customization can be done with default functionality with configuration files.

Build tool helper asset examples are generally marked using -common in the file name and are documented within the file. Examine these files before customization.

Template files have sections identified by the string CUSTOMIZATION which provides tips on customizing files created from them.

Use prefix project-, for any new files created as part of the customization. For example, if the customization project is called abc and a customized version of wcbd-build.xml is required, the recommended name of the new file is abc-build.xml.

When new helper Ant build files and properties files are introduced, ensure that they are loaded in the main Ant build file using the import and property Ant tasks respectively. For helper Ant build files, do not add a default target to the project.

Ensure that any new targets and properties do not share the same name as existing ones in the out-of-the-box helper Ant build files and configuration files.

If optional Ant tasks are used, ensure that all dependent libraries are added to the WCB_installdir/lib directory and are included in the classpath in the setenv files.

All files that start with the prefix wcbd- are deemed non-customizable for serviceability reasons. Under no circumstances should these files be modified or removed by users of the WebSphere Commerce Build tool.

See also

Related concepts
WebSphere Commerce Build tool prerequisites
Location and file structure of the WebSphere Commerce Build tool

Related tasks
Configure and build packages