Location and file structure of the WebSphere Commerce Build tool

In the WebSphere Commerce development environment, the WebSphere Commerce Build tool is found in the WCDE_installdir/wcbd/ directory. In the WebSphere Commerce runtime environment, the WebSphere Commerce Build tool is found in the Utility server Docker container at /opt/WebSphere/CommerceServer90/wcbd.

Description of the WebSphere Commerce Build tool installation directory file structure

The following table describes the file structure of the WebSphere Commerce Build tool installation directory:

Path Type Description
dist/server Directory Contains the server deployment packages that are generated by the build process. Created when the build process is run.
extract Directory Contains templates and sample files for the source extraction Ant script.
lib Directory Contains the Java libraries required by the build and deployment processes.
logs Directory Contains the build logs. Created when the build process is run.
project-templates Directory Contains the project templates for the DataLoad and StaticWeb projects.
properties Directory Contains the translated message properties file used by the build process.
source Directory Contains the source code that is copied or extracted from the SCM by the build process. Created when the build process is run.
working Directory Contains intermediary or temporary assets that are generated by the build process. Created when the build process is run.
wcbd-ant File The shell script that launches Ant to start the build process.
wcbd-ant.bat File The batch file that launches Ant to start the build process.
wcbd-build.private.properties.template File The template for the configuration properties file that contains security-sensitive information of the build process (for example, passwords). Properties in this file are encoded by the build process.
wcbd-build.properties.template File The template for the main configuration properties file of the build process.
wcbd-build.xml File The default Ant build file that controls the overall build process.
wcbd-build-common.xml File The Ant build file that contains reusable targets for the build process.
wcbd-encode-properties File The shell script that launches Ant to encode a properties file.
wcbd-encode-properties.bat File The batch file that launches Ant to encode a properties file.
wcbd-encode-properties.xml File The Ant build file that encodes a properties file.
wcbd-setenv*.template File The templates for the batch file or shell script that sets environment variables required by the build process.
wcbd-version-info.properties File The properties file that provides version information of the WebSphere Commerce Build tool.
wcbd-build-search-classpath.xml File The Ant build file that sets the WebSphere Commerce Search classpath.
wcbd-build-crs-definition.properties File The properties file that provides the type of application and the Ant target to use for deploying to the CRS.
wcbd-build-shared-classpath.xml File The Ant build file that sets the shared WebSphere Commerce and WebSphere Commerce Search class paths.
wcbd-build-wc-ts-definition.properties File The properties file that provides the type of application and the Ant target to use for deploying to the Transaction Server EAR.
wcbd-build-crs-definition.properties File The properties file that provides the type of application and the Ant target to use for deploying to the Remote Store Server EAR.
wcbd-build-search-definition.properties File The properties file that provides the type of application and the Ant target to use for deploying to the Search Server EAR.
wcbd-build-xc-definition.properties File The properties file that provides the type of application and the Ant target to use for deploying to the External Customization Server EAR.
wcbd-build-data-definition.properties File The properties file that provides the type of application and Ant target to use for packaging data and schema changes.


Working directory in the Utility server Docker container container

If you run the WebSphere Commerce Build tool from the Utility server Docker container, put any files that could be changed into a separate volume mounted to the container as a writable directory. Place all configuration property files used to run the WebSphere Commerce Build tool in this directory.

Set the output directory of the build to a sub-directory in this volume. The configuration key is dist.dir which can be found in wcbd-build-type-app-type.properties. The benefit of doing this is that when we upgrade the Utility server Docker image, the configuration files in the other volume are not lost. We need only again mount the volume to the new Docker container. When you execute the build command, use the Java parameter work.dir to specify the volume mount , for example:

where mounted_dir is the path to the mounted external directory.

Related concepts
WebSphere Commerce Build tool prerequisites

Related tasks
Configure and building packages
Customizing the WebSphere Commerce Build tool