Configure and building packages

The WebSphere Commerce Build tool is highly configurable, to suit the current server environment, repository structure, and target environments. Four predefined applications can be built:

Data can also be built.

Applications and Data can share a build machine, if the configuration property files and output files for each application or Data are distinguished by a naming convention Figure 1. High-level build process flow

The following diagram shows the high-level build process flow:

  1. If set to run, extract source code with the user-provided Ant script.

  2. Consolidates all Java source code from the source, compiles, and creates a global JAR file used to compile each module individually. This is to help resolve classpath circular dependencies during the compilation phase using javac.

  3. For each connector module set to build, compile and create an expanded resource archive (RAR).

  4. For each Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) module set to build, compile, deploy, and create an EJB Java Archive (JAR) file.

  5. For each Java utility module set to build, compile and create a JAR file.

  6. For each web module set to build, compile and create an expanded web archive (WAR).

  7. If set to run, create a server deployment package by consolidating assets from source, archived modules, and the WebSphere Commerce Build tool.

  8. If set to run, clean the working directory.

Related concepts
WebSphere Commerce Build tool prerequisites
Location and file structure of the WebSphere Commerce Build tool

Related tasks
Customizing the WebSphere Commerce Build tool