Tutorials > Content management > Manage content with workspaces using the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator
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In this task, we will assume the role of the Content Contributor Mike who is assigned to work on the Product introductions task group. You will use the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator tool to complete the work for the task group. Complete the work that is assigned to user Mike and create a product.
The WebSphere Commerce Accelerator images in this section are based on a B2B store. You might see different menus, depending on the store in which you perform this tutorial.
- Log on to WebSphere Commerce Accelerator as user Mike and select the store, language and fulfillment center to work on. Access WebSphere Commerce Accelerator at the following URL:
https:// host_name:8000/webapp/wcs/tools/servlet/ToolsLogon?XMLFile=common.mcLogon where host_name is the fully qualified WebSphere Commerce Web server host name.
- Select the workspace task on which to work:
- Select the Tasks > View Tasks. A list of all active tasks that are assigned to you is displayed:
- Select the Create product task.
- Click Work on.
- Click OK in the dialog box:
The context of the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator session changed to reflect the selected task. Any changes now made to the store in WebSphere Commerce Accelerator are made only within the workspace to which the task belongs. The task context of WebSphere Commerce Accelerator is indicated in the "breadcrumb trail" navigation aid below the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator menus:
In addition, the task you selected to work on is highlighted in the task list:
- Review any additional information provided about the task groups to which the task belongs:
- Click Comments to review the details specific to this task group:
- Click on the Cancel button to return to the previous page. If you click OK, a blank comment is added.
- Create a new product into the master catalog:
Select Merchandise > Catalog Management.
Select Products > Catalog Management
- Click New Product.
- On the General page of the Create Product wizard enter the following information:
- In the Code field, type a unique code to identify the product: measuring_spoon_123.
- In the Name field, type a name that is displayed in the store: Measuring spoon set.
- Select the Display to customers check box.
- Select the For purchase check box.
Ignore the other fields on this page. They are not required for this tutorial.
- Click Next to continue.
- On the Description page of the Create Product wizard, enter the following information:
Ignore the other fields on this page. They are not required for this tutorial.
- In the Short Description field, type a short description of the product: Set of five measuring spoons.
- Click Next to continue.
- Select a category under the Store Master Catalog. The new product will be put in the catalog under the selected category.
- Click Finish. The other pages of the Create Product wizard are not required for this tutorial.
- Find the new product:
Select Merchandise > Find Catalog Entries
Select Products > Find Catalog Entries
- In the Code field, type measuring_spoon_123 and click Find.
- Update the new product with pricing information:
- Select measuring_spoon_123 and select Prices > Set Prices.
- From the Currency list, select USD.
- In the List Price field, type 19.99.
- In the Price field of the Offer Price table, type 19.99.
- Click OK.
- Update the new product with SKU information:
- Select measuring_spoon_123 and select Actions > Generate SKUs.
- Click OK.
- Complete the task:
- Select Tasks > View Tasks.
- If it is not selected, select the Create product task.
- Let others working on tasks in the same task group know what you have done by adding a comment:
- Click Comments.
- In the Comment field, type the following text:
Created new product and SKU for measuring spoons product. Also added price information. Product images and any additional collateral not added.
Product code: measuring_spoon_123.
- Click OK.
- Click Complete.
- In the dialog box, click OK.
- Click Logout.