Operate > WebSphere Commerce Accelerator > Work with auctions
Auction styles
You may find that using auction styles saves you time when creating auctions. Auction styles are templates that automatically complete fields for you. For example, perhaps you schedule Open Cry auctions and always use non-discriminative pricing. An auction style can complete the appropriate fields for the auction type and pricing mechanism, saving you the trouble of selecting these fields for each auction.
If some auction specifications, such as the product display template and the auction rule template, do not vary between the auctions, you can create an auction style that includes these values.
The Auction Style wizard with the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator makes it easy to create new auction styles. You can use this wizard to populate any field that displays during the process of creating an auction.
- Changing auction styles
Use the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator to change existing auction styles.
- Delete auction styles
Use the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator to delete an existing auction style.
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