Operate > IBM Management Center for WebSphere Commerce > Catalogs tool > Work with sales catalogs
Work with linked categories
If you are creating or updating a sales catalog, you might want to link a category from the master catalog to a sales catalog or from one sales catalog to another. For example, a Winter Coats category in the master catalog could be linked to the Coats category in the Winter Specials sales catalog. Linking helps to keep categories consistent. For example, when you add a product to the original category, the categories that are linked to the original category will also see the product that was added.
When you link a category, you are still referencing the original category, and any changes you make to it will be reflected in the link. When you copy a category, a new category is created with most data content of the original content, and any changes you make to the original category is not reflected in the copy.
- Link categories between catalogs
Linking a category creates a reference to that category in the catalog to which it was linked. All subcategories and catalog entries in the category are also linked.
- View linked categories
Viewing subcategories or catalog entries inside a linked category requires a different set of steps than viewing the contents of a category that is not linked.
- Delete linked categories
You might want to delete a linked category if the category is no longer needed in the sales catalog. For example, you may want to delete the Holiday category if you no longer want to sell seasonal Holiday items in the sales catalog. When you delete a link, the category still exists. Only the link is deleted.