Migrate > Migrating WebSphere Commerce
Migrate WebSphere Commerce in a clustered environment
Follow the steps on this page to migrate the WebSphere Commerce clustered environment. Many of the steps are links to the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment v7.0.0.3 Information Center, with detailed recommended settings relevant to WebSphere Commerce.
Before you begin
- Ensure the WebSphere Application Deployment Manager and all federated node agents for WebSphere Commerce version 5.6.1 or 6.0 are stopped.
If WebSphere Application Server Global Security is enabled, disable it before you migrate the application.
- Before migrating a WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1, v6, or v6.1 deployment manager, use the backupConfig command or the own preferred backup utility to back up the existing configuration so that you can restore it to its previous state after migration. Ensure that you back up the EAR files and configuration files on all of the nodes:
- Back up the configuration by running the backupConfig command provided by WebSphere Application Server.
Before migrating a WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1, v6, or v6.1 node, use the backupConfig command or the own preferred backup utility to back up the existing configuration to be able to restore it to its previous state after migration.
- V5.6: Backup the following EAR file manually:
- WAS_installdir/installedApps/node_name/WC_demo.ear
- Back up the following file all servers on the old nodes:
- WAS_installdir/config/cells/cell_name/nodes/node_name/servers/server_name/server.xml
- Install WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment v7.0.0.3 in the deployment manager machine and migrate the old deployment manager, following the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment v7.0.0.3 migration guide.
IBM recommends that you use the same user type (root user or non-root user) to run WebSphere Application Server. If you change the user type to run WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment v7.0.0.3, complete one of the following tasks before migration:
- If the new and old versions of WebSphere Application Server are installed on the same machine, migrate the deployment manager using the Migration wizard.
The following settings are recommended when you migrate the profile:
- When creating a profile, the cell name must match the cell name from the v5.1, v6, or v6.1 configuration.
- Select Migrate and install the applications in application migration settings.
- Select Install the applications in the default directory of the target version for Directory to install the applications.
- Check Do not disable the deployment manager of the previous version in the Deployment manager options.
- Check Migrate to support script compatibility.
- If the new and old versions of WebSphere Application Server are on remote machines, migrate the deployment managers using migration tools
The following settings are required when you migrate the profile:
As the WebSphere Commerce non-root user, increase the file handle limit with the following command:
ulimit -n 8192 for the WASPostUpgrade command
- When creating a profile, the cell name must match the cell name from the v5.1, v6, or v6.1 configuration.
- You must specify the parameter machineChange=true for the WASPreUpgrade command.
- IBM recommends that you specify the parameters replacePorts=true and keepDmgrEnabled=true for the WASPostUpgrade command.
- Sync all of the old nodes with the migrated deployment manager:
- Make sure the migrated deployment manager is started.
- Open a command line on the migrated additional nodes and change to the following directory:
- WebSphere Application Server v5.1: WAS_installdir\bin
- WebSphere Application Server v6:WAS_installdir\profiles\profile_name\bin
- Run the syncNode command:
syncNode.bat deployment_manager_host deployment_manager_Soap_port
syncNode.sh deployment_manager_host deployment_manager_Soap_port
- V5.6: Verify the EAR files on the nodes are still in the following location:
- WAS_installdir/installedApps/node_name/WC_demo.ear
If the files are no longer there, manually restore the files.
- Migrate nodes from the old version of WebSphere Application Server to version 7 using the WebSphere Application Server migration utility.
Only migrate the additional nodes. Do not migrate the primary node, which will be migrated by WebSphere Commerce.
- . Start the Deployment Manager
- If the new and old versions of WebSphere Application Server are installed on the same machine, migrate the node using migration tools.
The following settings are recommended when you migrate the profile:
- When creating a profile, the node name must match the node name from the v5.1, v6, or v6.1 configuration.
- Select Migrate and install the applications in application migration settings.
- Select Install the applications in the default directory of the target version for Directory to install the applications.
- Check Migrate to support script compatibility.
- To create a WebSphere Application Server v7.0 profile on the v7.0 machine, select Custom Profile. You can use either the Profile Management Tool or the manageprofiles command
- If the new and old versions of WebSphere Application Server are on remote machines, migrate the node to a version 7 federated s using migration tools
The following settings are required when you migrate the profile:
As the WebSphere Commerce non-root user, increase the file handle limit with the following command:
ulimit -n 8192 for the WASPostUpgrade command
- When creating a profile, the node name must match the node name from the v5.1, v6, or v6.1 configuration.
- You must specify the parameter machineChange=true for the WASPreUpgrade command.
- Sync all of the migrated nodes with the migrated deployment manager.
Make sure you completed all the backup activities from step 1. The following steps will modify the configuration and are not reversible.
- Make sure the migrated deployment manager is started.
- Open a command line on the migrated additional nodes and change to the following directory:
- WebSphere Application Server v7: WAS_installdir\profiles\profile_name\bin
- Run the syncNode command:
syncNode.bat deployment_manager_host deployment_manager_Soap_port
syncNode.sh deployment_manager_host deployment_manager_Soap_port
- Install WebSphere Commerce using a custom installation.
- Start the Deployment Manager
- Migrate the WebSphere Commerce database and application using the Migration wizard on the WebSphere Commerce node.
- Start all v7 node agents.
- Redefine the JDBC driver path.
- Regenerate the Web server plug-in for the Web server.
- Log on the WAS ND Administration Console server.
- Expand Servers > WebServers.
- Select webserver1 and click Generate Plug-in to generate the plugin-cfg.xml file for the Web server.
- Copy the updated plugin-cfg.xml file to the Web server machine:
- Update the path to the plugin-cfg.xml file in the Web server configuration file on the Web server machine.
- Restart your Web server.
- Copy the following file from a WebSphere Commerce node to the Web server directory:
- WC_PROFILE/installedApps/cell_name/WC_instance.ear
The destination path on the Web server should be the same as the source. If the directories do not exist, create them.
- If restore the WebSphere Application Server cluster assets you backed up in step 1:
- Restore the following file into the WebSphere Application Server version 5.1 installation:
- WAS_installdir/config/cells/cell_name/nodes/node_name/servers/instance/server.xml
- Restore the node configuration on every old node:
- Sync the old nodes with the old deployment manager:
- Open a command line on the old installation and change to the WAS_installdir\bin directory.
- Run the syncNode command:
syncNode.bat deployment_manager_host deployment_manager_Soap_port
syncNode.sh deployment_manager_host deployment_manager_Soap_port
- Verify the store assets are still in the old WebSphere Commerce node, in the following location:
- WAS_installdir/installedApps/node_name/WC_instance.ear/Store.war
If this file is not present, manually restore your published store assets.
Attention: After migrating the clustered environment, you may see exceptions beginning with the following lines in your SystemOut.log:
[8/5/09 0:03:53:993 CST] 0000000a DeployedAppli W WSVR0215W: Starting application, ManagementEJB, failed. The application is not installed. [8/5/09 0:03:53:995 CST] 0000000a ApplicationMg W WSVR0100W: An error occurred initializing, ManagementEJB com.ibm.ws.exception.ConfigurationWarning: No cluster target found for application, ManagementEJB at com.ibm.ws.runtime.component.DeployedApplicationImpl.initialize(DeployedApplicationImpl.java:506)This exception can safely be ignored. It is a known WebSphere Application Server issue and has no impact on WebSphere Commerce functionality.
Optional: If you disabled WebSphere Application Server Global Security before you migrated the application, you can re-enable it.