Install > Installing WebSphere Commerce feature packs > Uninstall WebSphere Commerce feature packs
Uninstall feature packs silently
You can uninstall a feature pack using the silent method which uses a command line; no graphical interface is required.
Before you begin
If you have enabled any features that are included in the WebSphere Commerce feature packs, disable them before you uninstall the feature pack.
To disable the features included in the feature pack refer to Disable features.
- If you uninstall the feature pack without disabling the features, the scripts that are used to disable the features are removed. Once these scripts are removed, reinstall the feature pack to disable the features.
- To determine which feature is enabled, refer to Troubleshoot: Checking that a WebSphere Commerce feature is enabled on the instance.
- Depending on the operating system, complete one of the following steps:
- Log on as the root user.
- Log on to a user that has Windows Administrative user rights.
- Navigate to the following directory:
- WC_INSTALL/uninstall.fepX
Where X is the feature pack (1) that you want to uninstall.
- Launch the uninstaller by issuing the following command:
- ./uninstall -silent -is:javaconsole
- silentuninstall.exe -silent
- When the uninstallation is completed, and depending on which feature pack you have uninstalled, one of the following messages is displayed in the console window:
IBM WebSphere Commerce Feature Pack uninstalled successfully.
- Review the feature pack uninstall logs: WC_INSTALL/logs/FEPX/uninstall/log.txt
Where X is the feature pack (1) that you have uninstalled.
If the installation failed, refer to Troubleshoot: WebSphere Commerce feature pack install or uninstall failed.
- Manually delete the following directory if it exists:
- WC_INSTALL/uninstall.fepX
- WC_INSTALL/license.fepX
- X is the feature pack (1) that you have uninstalled.