Install > Install maintenance > WebSphere Commerce > Installing WebSphere Commerce fix packs > ...silently

Update the installation directory silently

  1. Download and install the WebSphere Commerce Update Installer

  2. Download WebSphere Commerce v7.0.0.2 Fix Pack.

  3. Save the fix pack to directory: UPDI_installdir/maintenance

  4. Ensure the WebSphere Commerce Configuration Manager server is stopped.

  5. Stop the WebSphere Commerce Help Server.

  6. Log on as the root user and set root user's umask to 0027

  7. Edit...


  8. Ensure -W maintenance.package contains the directory name for the fix pack. For example:

    -W maintenance.package="/opt/IBM/WebSphere/UpdateInstaller/V7/UPDI/maintenance"

  9. Ensure -W product.location contains the full path name of the WebSphere Commerce installation directory. For example:

    -W product.location="/opt/IBM/WebSphere/CommerceServer70"

  10. Verify -W update.instancename and -W update.db entries do not exist or are commented out.

  11. Save the file and exit.

  12. Run the update installer...

    cd UPDI_installdir
    ./ -silent -options UPDI_installdir/responsefiles/install.txt

    When the prompt returns wait for the Java process associated with the Update Installer to finish.

  13. Check logs for errors.


  14. If you have an existing WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Payments instance, relaunch the installer, and update the instance.

    If you do not have an existing instance then the installation of the fix pack is complete. Refer to Install final steps.

  15. If you plan to create a new instance and you have recently upgraded the WebSphere Application Server fix pack level, before creating the new WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Payments instance, sign in as user root, and run...



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