Install > Installing maintenance
Install WebSphere Commerce maintenance
The WebSphere Commerce Update Installer installs and uninstalls maintenance.
- APARs fixed in WebSphere Commerce
Each WebSphere Commerce fix pack contains fixes for multiple APARs, to correct issues with the WebSphere Commerce product.
- Install the WebSphere Commerce Update Installer
The WebSphere Commerce Update Installer is the tool you use to apply fix packs and APARs to the WebSphere Commerce installation.
- Use WebSphere Commerce Update Installer ANT scripts to update the Social Commerce EAR
You can use the UpdateEAR script to install or uninstall Social Commerce fixes to the Social Commerce EAR in a running WebSphere Commerce server. The script can apply multiple applicable fixes at a time, however, the fixes that the script will pick to install are recommended fixes that are chosen by the Update Installer.
- Install WebSphere Commerce interim fixes
Each WebSphere Commerce interim fix (ifix) contains fixes for one or more APARs.
- Create a central common repository
You can use the IBM Packaging Utility to create a common central repository for the entire organization to use when updating WebSphere Commerce Developer. This repository can contain the repository assets from Rational Application Developer, WebSphere Commerce Developer, as well as feature packs and fix packs. IBM Installation Manager clients can use this central common repository to install the entire common repository in one step.
- Install WebSphere Commerce fix packs
A fix pack is the standard delivery for a group corrective and preventative fixes for the base WebSphere Commerce product. Fix packs should be installed and tested; doing so will save you time and help to avoid system problems that result in a service call.