Install > Installing WebSphere Commerce > Installing WebSphere Commerce using the custom installation > Create a WCS instance > Mandatory post-instance creation tasks

Remote Web server post-instance creation tasks

If the Web server is installed on a different node from WebSphere Commerce and WebSphere Commerce Payments, do the following on the Web server node after creating an instance.

  1. Install the WAS Web server plug-in.

  2. Enable SSL on the Web server node.

  3. Copy plugin-cfg.xml to Web server.

  4. Create the following directory on the Web server node...

    Set WC_PROFILE to be the same on both the Web and Commerce nodes.

  5. Copy the following directory from the WebSphere Commerce node to the Web server node:


  6. Verify that the full paths on the Web server node and the WebSphere Commerce node are the same.

  7. On Windows, remove any JSP and JAR files from the WC_instance.ear directory on the Web server.

    Only static-content files should be in the WC_instance.ear directory on the Web server.

  8. On the Web server machine, verify that read and execute permissions are correct on all files and directories in...


  9. Update the Web server machine with a new Stores.war file every time you perform an action that updates the static Web content inside the application, for example...

    • Store Publishing
    • Upload Logo

    Stores.war is located in...


  10. Verify the path to this file is the same on the Web server node and the WebSphere Commerce node.

    Remove any JSP and JAR files from the WC_instance.ear directory on the Web server. Only static-content files should be in this directory on the Web server.

  11. Verify the Web server read and execute permissions on all files and directories in the WC_PROFILE/installedApps/ directory on the Web server machine are correct.

    If the permissions on the files and directories are incorrect, you might not be able to access WebSphere Commerce.

  12. Remove any JSP and JAR files from the WC_instance.ear directory on the Web server. Only static-content files should be in the WC_instance.ear directory on the Web server.

  13. For Microsoft IIS users:

    1. On the WebSphere Commerce node copy file:

        WC_INSTALL/config/deployment/webserverconfig/IIS/addCommerceAliases.js any directory on the remote IIS node. This directory is denoted by IISdir.

    2. On the remote IIS node, check the contents of file IISdir/addCommerceAliases.js.

      Verify all aliases and paths are correct.

    3. On the remote IIS node, start a command prompt session and issue the following command:

      cscript.exe IISdir/addCommerceAliases.js

      This will add all the necessary aliases to the Microsoft IIS Web server configuration for WebSphere Commerce and WebSphere Commerce Payments.

    If you receive message...

    Input Error: There is no script engine for file extension ".JS"

    ...refer to technote 1172559 to resolve the error. Attempt the cscript again.

  14. Edit


    ...and change from the default value of 180 to 6000.

  15. Copy...

      plugins/bin/configureweb_server_name.bat the Web server install directory to...


    ...on the application server

    If the Web server and WAS are on different platforms, then the configureweb_server_name script must be copied from...


    ...on the Web server rather than from the plugins/bin directory.

  16. Start the WebSphere Commerce server.

  17. Run the script file you copied:

    WAS_HOME/bin/ -user configAdminUser -password configAdminPassword

  18. Stop and restart the Web server.


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