Tutorials > Customize the Consumer Direct sample store > Add dynamic text
Add a section to the storefront configuration file
In this step of the tutorial, we will add a section to the storefront configuration file, StoreFront.xml, that will add an option for setting the discount disclaimer text to the Change Pages page.
To add the option for setting the discount disclaimer text to the Change Pages page:
- Navigate to the following directory:
- WC_eardi../images/locale/screensnap/Stores.war/WEB-INF/xml/tools/stores/ConsumerDirect/devtools/storefront
workspace_dir\Stores\Web Content\WEB-INF\xml\tools\stores\ConsumerDirect\devtools\storefront
- Open the StoreFront.xml file for editing.
- Add the following lines to the store-front-text element:
<!-- ShoppingArea/DiscountSection/DiscountDetailsDisplay.jsp --> <page> <label> <message key="DiscountDisclaimer" resource="storetext_dynamic_labels"/> </label> <description> <message key="DiscountDisclaimer_Text" resource="storetext_dynamic_labels"/> </description> <content> <message key="Discount_Disclaimer" resource="storetext_dynamic"/> </content> <location file="tools/stores/$storeDir$/text/preview/$locale$/Preview_DiscountDisclaimer.html"/> </page>
- Save and close the file.