Customize the Consumer Direct sample store
WebSphere Commerce provides tutorials that introduce the various tasks related to customizing the Consumer Direct sample store storefront.
- Tutorial: Customizing the consumer direct sample store using snippets
Attention: This tutorial is currently under revision. The content might contain errors or inaccuracies. Subscribe to this page to be notified when an updated version is available.
Create an apparel online store based on the consumer direct sample store and perform customization using JSP and object snippets.
- Tutorial: Adding a new Change Flow feature
This tutorial shows you how to add a new Change Flow feature to a store based on a consumer direct sample store. In this tutorial, the feature is enabling or disabling thumbnail images for all items in the shopping cart.
- Tutorial: Adding style options
This tutorial shows you how to add a new style to a store based on a consumer direct sample store
- Tutorial: Adding dynamic text
Attention: This tutorial is currently under revision. The content might contain errors or inaccuracies. Subscribe to this page to be notified when an updated version is available.
This tutorial shows you how to add a dynamic text message to a store. In this tutorial, the message is a discount disclaimer and the store is the consumer direct sample store.