Tutorials > Customize the Consumer Direct sample store
Tutorial: Adding a new Change Flow feature
This tutorial shows you how to add a new Change Flow feature to a store based on a consumer direct sample store.
In this tutorial, the feature is enabling or disabling thumbnail images for all items in the shopping cart.
This tutorial is only valid for stores prior to WebSphere Commerce v7 Feature Pack 2.
Learning objectives
By default, the shopping cart view of the consumer direct sample store contains thumbnail images of items, as in the following figure:
After completing this tutorial, we will be able to use the Change Flow notebook to enable or disable the display of thumbnail images for all items in the shopping cart of the consumer direct sample store, as in the following figures:
Time required
Expect this tutorial to take about two hours.
This tutorial is intended for WebSphere Commerce store developers.
To complete this tutorial you should be familiar with the following terms and concepts:
- Storefront customization tools
- WebSphere Commerce Flow infrastructure
- Publish a store archive
- Changing store flows
Before beginning this tutorial, ensure that:
- You have successfully published the consumer direct sample store.
- You can complete the shopping flow of the consumer direct store. In particular, you are able to add items to and view the contents of the shopping cart.
- You can access the Change Flow notebook for the consumer direct sample store.
Lessons in this tutorial
- Add the new feature to the flow repository
- Add the option to enable or disable the feature to the Change Flow notebook
- Make the feature configurable
- Enable the feature by default in a multiple-site environment